
Electronic Medical Expquisition And Information Technology

Better Essays

For week number five of this course, the focus of these essays shifts from electronic medical records to advances in wireless medical acquisition and data mining. A description of some of the various medical sensors and scanners will be highlighted. Next, the subject of data mining will be discussed. These technologies generate the information required for mining and gathering data which when analyzed lead to improved outcomes.

Essay One
Body sensor network (BSN) has increased in use of recent years as the technology is expanding from its role in sports to an important role in medical treatment. These sensors are the foundation of real-time devices. Their capability of gathering data from multiple sensor sites allows data to be process …show more content…

The readings are then read by a physician’s office in real-time. Early recognition of arrhymias has the potential for the patient to receive early intervention of cardiac diseases (Xianochen, et. al., 2013). BSN is operated with about a dozen wireless devices at this time. Promising are the future uses especially when paired with a patient’s smart phone. This type of technology is in its infancy stage and will continue to develop further to improve human health outcomes.

Essay 2
Health care organizations have incorporated information technology into practice for the past two decades. However, they have failed to keep up with the business world when it comes to analyzing the information they have collected. With the shift in the healthcare model from service line expansion to revenue growth it is critical that these organizations adopt more advance business rule to thrive.
Health analytics according to Kudyba (2016) is defined as “the complete series of integrated capabilities needed to provide progressively deeper statistical insights into health-related information.” To put it in plain terms, analytics takes the data that is collected (or mined) and allows you to look at it from multiple perspectives. This provides you a better understanding of root causes, relations between different symptoms and other previously unrelated factor. Analytic simply defined is data with a meaning behind it.
You can look at the example of a person with a family history of

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