
Egyptian King Akhenaten Research Paper

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The meaning behind Akhenaten
Going against many years of Egyptian worship Akhenaten proclaimed in about the 14th century B.C that his people were only to worship one god and that was the sun disk Aten. Akhenaten was called a monotheist maybe even the first to live. Egyptian King Akhenaten’s meaning “Effective for Aten”. His name was originally Amenhotep IV, he ruled for about 20 years. While in his rule he move the royal house from Thebes to a new site somewhere in middle Egypt, Akhenaten ordered marvelous temples to be built for Aten. Akhenaten claimed to be the middle man so to speak between the people and Aten; this made him like a god in a way to the people because he was the only person blessed with the ability to be able to talk to Aten. The funny thing is he worshiped all of the Egyptian gods and was building a temple to one. Then dropped that to build a different temple to Aten which now he thinks is the one and only god. Before all of this took place how did Akhenaten come to power in the first place? Right before he took power we know that his family was already the ruling party after using military force to take over. Which he was the next to rule the empire in kind of a military enforced domain. He began building a city that he named …show more content…

I don’t know about you but if I hear the same thing about someone over and over I begin to believe that it could be true. The narrator has set out on a quest to make a history for the king free of bias by chaining all these stories from different sources to finally have the truth about him. The intended audience is the reader he wants them to look at this piece and decide for themselves the real truthful story behind Akhenaten the sun king. He uses many different sources from most people that lived in the day of his father. Each of them have a story to tell to him. He is trying to pick up where his father before him had left

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