
Effects of Outsourcing Jobs to Overseas

Decent Essays

Because of outsourcing jobs to overseas many American workers lost their jobs or compelled to work for much less compensation. This trend leads to the shrinkage of middle class income bracket and the reduction of the family’s standard of living. Besides, due to the elusive future employment status and the financial problems, many people have to live hand to mouth, and many more have to cut their expenditures in order to survive this dreadful and unpleasant situation. More importantly, the reduction in spending money and the deterioration of consumer confidence can hurt the economy severely and exacerbate the situation.
Reich in his article “Why Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer” divides the U.S. professions into three major categories: routine producers, in-person servers and symbolic analysts and described the process and likelihood of outsourcing these professions.
Routine producers such as manufacturers are the ones in the real risk of losing their jobs as a result of outsourcing since the technological advancements have put them in positions that they have to compete with millions of routine workers in other nations who are willing to work for a much lower wage than their counterparts in America. Therefore, the majority of U.S. routine jobs have moved to the emerging economies. As an example, around late 1970s the famous telecommunication company AT&T had a telephone set assembly line in Shreveport, LA. But, later they found out that routine producers in

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