
Effects Of Parent Child Dynamics On Emotional Development

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Effects of Parent-Child Dynamics on Emotional Development in Infants
Jovana Capric
Florida Atlantic University

Misinformation and lack of education often lead parents into uncertainty about how to raise their child to be the best person they can be. When raising children, the connection and relationship that is shared between parents and child are significant. Multiple studies and research proves that different engagements and experiences such as affection, discipline techniques and parenting styles all can have positive or negative effects on a child and therefore, have critical consequences in development. Some consequences include high or low acceptance ratings from the infants as well as impacts on social and emotional development.

Effects of Parent-Child Dynamics on Emotional Development in Infants
Parent-child relations have been a topic of much review within psychology research due to the effects on development and the implications it has on the child and family dynamics. Today, family and parenting are in a great state of uncertainty and flux due to the constant re-defining of what parenting really is and how it is most effective (Lunkenheimer & Leerkes, 2015). Often it becomes difficult to keep up with the many forms of parenting and discipline styles while effectively maintaining a positive parent-child relationship. With the abundance of research and studies that have been conducted on this topic we now have a better

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