
Effective Communication Analysis

Decent Essays

One powerful component of constructive communication is the capability to be an effective listener. Our conversations will continue to reach dead ends if we do not realize where we may lack in our listening skills, decide to make improvements, and follow through. Therefore, we are left with two options when we learn we do not listen well, continue to listen the way we have been or make the conscious effort to improve and become sharpened listeners. This is one area of my life that I was made aware of over a year ago. I do not listen! I used to listen to respond, which was an unhealthy way to communicate. In listening to respond we are putting a higher value to our thoughts then that of the speaker. As discussed in our text some of warnings that one may not be a good listener is having the speaker repeat information already given, criticizing the speakers form of giving information, breaking the conversation to give your input, either orally or mentally, and giving the speaker the false gratification that you are listening (Hamilton. C. pp. 119, 120). I used to be the breaker in the …show more content…

The first conversation took place between myself, our counselor, Dr. Bird, and my husband Giovanni. Myself and Dr. Bird got a 10, while I gave Giovanni an 8. At one point of the conversation he became fidgety, Dr. Bird had to pause for a minute and asked him if he was upset. One practice that I began over a year ago when having important discussions with my husband is keeping a note pad and writing down key words. I started this because Giovanni can sometimes speak for an hour or more, by the time he is finished it became difficult to address the first topic he may have discussed. The other two conversations held I also gave myself and the other person a 10. I left both conversations with further knowledge and believe they also gained from my

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