
Effect Of Ethanol On Metabolic Rate Of Xylose-Fermenting Yeast

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). The low tolerance might be due to the concomitant acetaldehyde and acetate formation during ethanol reassimilation in these xylose-fermenting yeasts. Acetaldehyde is very toxic to the cell, and concentration above 0.5 mM inhibits all cellular activity (Liberthal et al., 1979). Lucas and van Uden investigated the effects of temperature on ethanol tolerance and thermal death of xylose-fermenting yeast and determined that it was more tolerant of ethanol at lower temperatures (Lucas and Van Uden, 1985). Effect of ethanol on metabolic rate has been examined with ethanol added exogenously. Both Lucas and van Uden and du Preez et al. placed cells into media containing different concentrations of ethanol and measured the specific growth rate (Preez

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