
Edward Said's View Of Orientalism

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Orientalism is a concept that clusters much of Asia, separating Asia from the West, into one cluster of thoughts, ideals, behaviors, and views. The effects that Orientalism present onto individuals, particularly the West, is shaping their way of thinking about Asia and how most Asian people are “supposed to be.” In this essay, I will analyze the concepts Edward Said argues by connecting them to the text read throughout the class and exemplifying the arguments of Said through the texts, and then further analyze why Orientalism continues to be prevalent in today’s world. In the West, Orientalism to the common person is seen much through the media. The media does not convey a true meaning of ‘The Orient,’ however most media coincides with the …show more content…

If one was to simply ask someone during the time and even now what one pictures how the Philippines looks, or even in a bigger scale what most of Asia looks like, what is said versus what is true will exhibit a stark difference. This too is one of the paramount arguments brought forth by Said. While orientalism can vary based on the country, and how that country is exposed to the “Orient,” the bulk of this essay will focus on the western standpoint of Orientalism. In Said’s book, Orientalism, there are four main arguments that are also focused on in the first chapter of David Birch’s book Asia: Cultural Politics in the Global Age: “Said bases this idea on four related arguments about the West’s representations and understanding of the Orient. The first of these is that ‘orientals’ are ‘other than human’, with ‘true’ or ‘full’ humanness being associated with the West… The second is that these representations—produced by scientists, academics, school teachers, politicians, business people, journalists, novelists and film makers—have come to constitute a body of knowledge that enables the West to understand ‘the truth’ about the ‘Orient’ and ‘orientals’. The third is that these cultural and political explanations have been the basis for the West taking a superior position—intellectually, morally, ethically, politically—with regard to the ‘Orient’ and

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