
Edgar Degas Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever heard of Edgar Degas? If you have studied the art of impressionism, his name might be familiar to you. Edgar Degas is a well known French artist for his sculptures, paintings and drawings. His works continue to live throughout history and are still studied by many people today. His works contained of impressionism, modern art, pastel art, and realism. Degas is studied in many art classes today being known for the first to paint realism paintings. Throughout Degas’s life he has created many paintings related to dance. Many of his paintings are inspired by his study of dance and choreography. Today I decided to research further about Degas because I found it interesting how he was an artist of dance too. Degas was born in Paris, France on July 19, 1834 and died September 27, 1917. Degas started making, paintings and sculptures ever since he was younger and turned his bedroom into an art studio. Degas loved color, and realism which made him want to draw and paint whatever he saw as realist as possible. Degas had everything from paint, pastels, and all other utensils you can imagine that are used to make art. Degas painted copies of famous paintings, which inspired him to create his own art later on. In 1855 Degas was allowed into Ecole des Beaux Arts where …show more content…

Degas made several paintings, with the resemblance of dancers. Paintings he has created such as, “Ballet, Rehearsal”, “The dance Class”, and “The Ballet Class’ all depict dancers. Degas isn’t only known for his works of art but also classified with the art of dance. Those were only three of Degas’s popular paintings but throughout his lifetime he had created a total of 1165 paintings. Although others say that there may have been more that he hasn't published. “A Cotton Office in New Orleans” was one of Degas first paintings to get purchased by a

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