Raves and nightclub scenes may seem wild and fun on television and movies. Probably you see people taking drugs in those raves and nightclubs. Typically what goes on in the those wild parties are happening right now in a realistic setting. Those drugs you see people take in wild parties are ecstasy. Ecstasy/MDMA or “Molly” is a commonly used stimulant synthetic hallucinogen drug. The drug causes an increased in energy, euphoric rush, tightening of muscles, especially jaw, dilated pupils, visual distortions, nausea or vomiting, strong pulse, increased temperature, confusion and panic. MDMA comes in variety of forms as the following: capsule, powder, tablet, liquid. Also the drug can be taken either by orally or snorted. The drug is usually taken …show more content…
The neurotransmitters that are affect are the following: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The drugs cause serotonin to increased the amount it already produces, which influence mood changes .There are a number of psychological problems associated with ecstasy including the ‘hangover effect’, depression that can last for days after using ecstasy. This is because serotonin in the brain is reduced by ecstasy use This drug causes the neurotransmitters to increase in amount causing your mood to elevate sleep, pain, appetite, other behavior effects. Studies show heavy Ecstasy users experience long lasting confusion, depression, and selective impairment of working memory and attention …show more content…
The symptoms include: agitation, confusion, headache, tachycardia – a rapid heart beat that greater than 100 beats per minute, hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperpyrexia (an abnormally high fever), muscle twitches. The most serious side effects of Ecstasy would most likely be a coma or death, But the commonly short term effects are the following: Increased heart rate, Increased blood pressure, Overheating, Jaw clenching, Teeth grinding, Tremors, Nausea, Enlarged pupils, Anxiety. The long term effects would be High blood pressure, Possible memory and attention impairment, Lethargy, Decreased emotional control, Severe depression, Possible nerve cell damage. Ecstasy is very addictive because of the “high” feeling and euphoric rush you received the first time when taking ecstasy will cause you to wanting more. After your first time you start to feel the need to take ecstasy to get back that amazing feeling and you may need it on the fact that your serotonin and dopamine levels are very low without ecstasy because of the simple fact your body stops producing normal amounts of hormones to regulate your serotonin and dopamine levels. What makes Ecstasy so addictive because the drug itself is actually made of LSD, cocaine, heroin, amphetamine
MDMA, or methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine, is a chemical that affects the release of serotonin in the brain and is a schedule I drug in the United states. Most commonly known as a part of the ecstasy pill or molly powder capsule, this crystalline drug is used at raves, parties, and clubs worldwide for a heightened sense of euphoria and a myriad of psychedelic effects. This substance is known as the love drug for it's ability to bring people closer together and lower normal social anxieties with its empatheogenic effects. In the last few years, more and more studies have been done on the valid psychiatric use for counseling and couples therapy. Here are some of the things found during the most recent of these studies.
have a short term effect or long term effects depending on the amount of Ecstasy taken into
As we can see here, Ecstasy is a harmful, very dangerous drug that is often taken lightly because of its relation to partying and having fun. Despite these connections, Ecstasy is not something to mess around with. Its effects on your brain, spinal cord, nerves, and bodily functions are hazardous and could cause you a lot of trouble. Or, perhaps, merely get you into trouble. While popular songs and music do mention using Ecstasy, I would advise you to think about the consequences of the drug before you go “dancing with
Methadone has been used since the late 1960s to treat heroin addictions. Methadone is a synthetic opioid that is highly addictive and is harder to withdraw from than heroin. Despite 50 years of experience and widespread acceptance by addiction specialists and health agencies, Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) has sometimes been publicly controversial in the U.S. and other countries. MMT is a program in which addicted individuals receive daily doses of methadone as part of a broad, multicomponent treatment plan (Methadone Maintence Treatment, 2002). Critics argue that methadone doesn’t actually help heroin addicts, but just replaces heroin with an equally addictive methadone (Mason, 2013). From my perspective, methadone should not be given to heroin addicts because it does not
Any type of drug will affect one’s body and mind in some way. The short term effects of ecstasy include mental stimulation, emotional warmth, superior sensory perception, and increased physical energy. Also users of MDMA are said to face many of the same risks as users of other stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines increases in heart rate and blood pressure, heart disease, having the chills, sweating, teeth clenching, muscle cramping, nausea, and blurred vision. Long term side effects are just the beginning of scientific analysis. Studies are constantly being conducted of habitual ecstasy users who were abstaining
The drug 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), or Ecstasy, is a well known and widely used drug. It is commonly known as "Molly" (colloquial speech for “molecular”) in the United states or "Mandy" in the UK. Other names are “XTC” or “E,” Adam, Clarity, or Essence (Kelly 2000). The term MDMA refers to Ecstasy which has been chemically altered with other additives like caffeine, dextromethorphan (found in some cough syrups), amphetamines, PCP, or cocaine to the pills, tablets, or capsules. Frequently, other chemicals are substituted for MDMA, such as synthetic cathinones, the chemicals in “bath salts” (NIDA for Teens 2015).
MDMA is a well-known drug in today’s society. It can be named called all sorts of things, but the most common name is Ecstasy. Depending on your location it can be named something else for instance the new era of young adults they refer it as molly, and in the bay area, California it was often it’s referred to as thizz, in the early 2000s’. MDMA can very addictive to some populations. In the young adult population MDMA is used as a “rave drug” (will go into more detail later). In other populations it’s known for the high that it gives.
Meaning out of all the drugs that are out there, Molly has a high potential for abuse. Molly is also classified as a mild hallucinogen and a psychedelic. Meaning that when someone is high on molly, they would hallucinate and start to see or hear things that are not really there. When Molly is taken, it acts as a central nervous system stimulant. The MDA absorbed through the body destroys serotonin-producing neurons in your body. These neurons role in your body is to regulate aggression, mood, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. This is why when people are high off of Molly, they have trippy dreams and feel unstoppable. Molly can be snorted, injected, but is mostly found in pill form. When in the form of a pill, they come in many different colors with pictures on the top to look
Ecstasy is used at the party and rave scene for its effects on the emotional state of the user. The drug lowers the user’s inhibitions; it relaxes them. The drug also increases awareness and feelings of pleasure and joy while giving the user energy. Side effects of the drug
The year was 2001 and Trisha Davis just awoke to the sound of her friends knocking on her bedroom door. At the time, Trisha was 19 years old, married, and pregnant with her first child, a girl, Sarah. Her husband, Seth, was a pizza delivery boy and barely made enough for both of them to live, let alone three of them. Trisha's friends asked her if she wanted to go to a big party that was going on that night. She accepted the invitation and got ready for the day. Later that night Trisha got to the party and noticed it wasn't the normal ecstasy and alcohol parties that she was used to. No, everyone here had syringes and were cooking some kind of substance in a spoon. Trisha was very accustomed to drug use. Over the years she had taken many drugs
MDMA, or as its chemical name 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, is an illicit drug that performs as both a psychedelic and stimulant, creating an energizing effect, not only that but distortions in perception and time, and improves enjoyment of tangible experiences. Typically, MDMA is found in a capsule or tablet and is taken orally, its effects can last
Given the likelihood you will encounter the drug a some point in you life, here's some useful information you can carry with you. The Side Effects of Ecstasy Ecstasy or MDMA is a synthetic (man-made) mood altering drug. Users lay claim to the benefits including increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted senses. These sound like the perfect characteristics
Molly is a synthetic drug, usually found in clubs and raves. Molly is slang for molecular but it's also commonly referred to as ecstasy or MDMA, which stands for methylenedioxy-methamphetamine. Molly's usually taken in form of a capsule or tablet, but can be snorted as a powder or swallowed in liquid form. MDMA was originally used in the 1970s to help people who were in psychotic therapy. It has since then been said to have no medicinal use, and was therefore considered illegal by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Nowadays, ecstasy is used to aid PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and terminally ill patients who have anxiety. In 2012, 7.2% of high-school seniors have ever used any form of MDMA in their entire lives. That's a 4.5% decrease from 2011. (according to teens.drugabuse.gov)
Methamphetamine is one the most dangerous drug in the world. Its affect on a person is devastating, it causes many problems. However, there are so many meth users across Asia, Europe, Central America and even in the U.S. It had spread throughout the world. Its prices are really high compares to other drugs that are available in the market.
Researchers found that low doses of Ecstasy (3mg/Kg) were not able to modify electric parameters in the brain. However, they found that brain activity was altered when using a higher dose of the drug (6 mg/Kg). Now, it is worth noting that these alterations were visible in both, the 6 mg/Kg non-noise group, as the group that received 6 mg/Kg of Ecstasy in the acoustic noise group. It is also important to notice that the noise used on the research was not music per se, but an acoustic noise that resembles the intensity of music in clubs. The findings of the researchers suggest that the effects of this drug could be driven by relatively common environmental factors, and its harmful effects on humans are due to its