
Molly Research Paper

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If you think about the different drugs in our World think of the drug Ecstasy. Known as the

man-made drug Molly. This drug has many different side effects and Symptoms when you

Overdose. For instance side effects may consist of, Nausea, Muscle, cramping, Fever,

Sweating, chills, Shaking, tremors, Hallucinations, Blurred vision, Higher heart rate, Increase in

blood pressure, Tension in mouth, face, and jaw. Feeling faint. Also, when taking molly you can

have a short term effect or long term effects depending on the amount of Ecstasy taken into

your system.

First, Molly can be known as a Popular club and a psychoactive drug which is possibly

dangerous to your health. Molly works by binding a serotonin transporter in the …show more content…

Ecstasy which is commonly known as Molly. Will enable a sense of emotional convenience,

while raising the senses, boosting energy levels, decreasing anxiety, and increasing feelings of


Specifically, Heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure are also elevated by ecstasy

use. Hyperthermia, high blood pressure, panic attacks, faintness, involuntary teeth clenching,

blurred vision, nausea, sweating, chills, arrhythmia, heart failure, kidney failure, dehydration,

loss of consciousness, and seizures are possible side effects of ecstasy abuse or overdose.

For one thing, the symptoms when overdosed contains Nausea, Muscle cramping, Fever,

Sweating and chills, Shaking and tremors, Hallucinations, Blurred vision, Higher heart rate,

Increase in blood pressure, Tension in mouth, face, and jaw, Feeling faint.

Molly often blended with alcohol or other drugs that may involve toxic substances which may be

more harmful than an overdose.Molly, often signals as a clear form of ecstasy, may contain any

number of diverse chemicals that can have toxic effects which is harmful.

According to the article, “If a person takes additional doses of MDMA while the drug is still

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