
Echo From The Army Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

The “Echoes from the Army” written by Col. Samuel Ross and Adj. James B. Burbank for the officers and men of the 20th Connecticut regiment, and published in the Hartford Daily Courant on Feb. 24, 1868 as one of the loyal papers in Connecticut. Their echoes addressed the loyal citizens of Connecticut that the soldiers, remember what Governor Buckingham did for them during the time of the war, and are grateful for his respect to the loyal men that fought. However, they are also addressing the “peace men” that sympathized with the rebellion, and are determined to continue the struggle of fighting those who are against the Union and their country. The officers and men of the 20th Connecticut regiment clearly state that they intend continue to defend the Union, no matter if the people of Connecticut decide on the issue of country or no country. Col. Samuel Ross, Adj. James B. Burbank, and the 20th Connecticut regiment addressed the loyal citizens of Connecticut about Governor Buckingham, for his admiration towards the soldiers and officers that fought in the Civil war under the flag of Connecticut to keep the Union preserved. To the 20th Connecticut regiment they, “advert with pride to the position our gallant little State has heretofore held, and to the untiring and patriotic zeal of our excellent governor, in sending into the field troops who have done honor to the State.”1 During the war between the North and the South, Governor Buckingham was loyal and supportive to the

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