
Analysis Of The Book ' Private Yankee Doodle '

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6. Reviews: The book was first published by Martin in 1830 with the title A Narrative of Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier, Interspersed with Anecdotes of Incidents That Occurred Within His Own Observation. In 1962, it was republished under the title Private Yankee Doodle, Being a Narrative of some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier. In 2001 it was republished again under the title A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier. The reviews I found were from those who have read the book. Here are just a few of what I found: Michael Mazza –“This book is a remarkable piece of early United States literature. It should be read by current military personnel, veterans ' advocates, students of history, and students of U.S. literature.” Lawrence Michael – “Amazingly readable narrative. Mr. Martin puts the reader into the worn rags and shoeless feet of the private soldier of the continental line of the War for American Independence.” Maureen Davis - “Great book depicting the true story of a young man that volunteered to fight for his country. Written with a dose of self humor. I enjoyed it front to back and recommend it to anyone interested in the life of a revolutionary war solider.” Connie Knowlton – “A very authentic account of life in the Colonial Army. The book needs to be read more than once to get the full impact of suffering and sacrifice but it is well worth a second reading.” 7. Primary Sources the

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