
Eastern Grey Kangaroo

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General Information and Unique Abilities:
Macropus fuliginosus, more commonly known as the Eastern Grey Kangaroo is one of the largest kangaroo species. Kangaroos are usually known for the pouch they possess in their belly region (to hold the joey) and their ability to hop from place to place. Their huge feet, tail and strong muscles allow them to execute this unique movement. Surprisingly, the faster they hop, the less energy they need. Kangaroos move at an average of 30 miles per hour, which is faster than the fastest human runner (Fastest runner runs at a speed 23.7mph).

Anatomy, Diet and More Facts:
Eastern Grey Kangaroos possesses grey brown fur which is paler on the underarms, a finely haired muzzle, and dark tips to the paws, feet and the tail. Their muscular tails are much stronger than their arms. Kangaroos are overall strong animals however, they have bad eyesight. In contrast, their sense of hearing and smell is amazing. Male Eastern Grey Kangaroo tend to be much larger (in size) than female kangaroos. Their diet includes of grasses, flowers, leaves, ferns, fungi and mosses considering that they are herbivores. They also happen to be good swimmers and many don’t know that they are actually nocturnal. They sleep during the day and then at night, they roam free.

Habitat: …show more content…

Kangaroos tend to go for habitats with more moisture so they mainly hang in the woodlands, which also provides shade. However, when they want to graze or find food, they will go out to the grasslands. Their neighboring species include of koalas, tasmanian devils and platypuses. They have few predators, but the main 2 are humans and

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