
Early Jamestown Dbq Questions And Answers

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There were many hard obstacles along the way. The colonists went to Jamestown because they thought there was a lot of gold there but what they didn’t know was that there were Native Americans near by where they camped and landed. Many of the Colonists died because of 3 reasons: lack of preparation, bad location, and unexpected events. One of the reasons why the colonists died in Jamestown was the lack of preparation. An evidence that can support this reason is “No one doubted that this new supply of grain would help, but it would not be enough to last the winter.” (Document D) This evidence supports the reason because the colonists didn’t have enough food. Another evidence is they needed more men because they were dying. (Document E) This evidence supports the thesis because the …show more content…

An evidence that supports this reason is that there were many Indian attacks. For example, “ Of 120 mean stationed near the falls, the Indians kill “neere halfe”.” This evidence supports the reason because the colonists had no idea that there were Native Americans near by where they landed. Another evidence that supports this is that many deaths happened during that time. An example is “ 11 colonists die in boating accident.” There are much more examples of death like Indian attacks, Indian ambushes, sickness, the winter, disease, the Jamestown Drought and many more examples. (Document E and B) A third evidence is the period “Starving Time.” This period was a hard period for the colonists because they didn’t have enough food and grains. (Document B) All of this evidence supports the thesis because the colonists thought that Jamestown was a place where they could find many goods, gold, and other good things that would benefit them. Instead, they found dead and bad things that would affect them like the Indians that killed many of them and the period of “Starving Time” which also killed much

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