
Early Childhood Research Paper

Decent Essays

Birth & Childhood (0-12 years old)

I, David Duru, was born in Bakersfield, CA on August 1, 2003 to Sophia and Bartholomew Duru. I was named after my doctor. In the family there are four boys and no girls. When I was born, I lived by Silver Creek and Suburu Elementary. Then I moved to a different house in the Mayfair Community when I was about five years old. I’m still living in it today.

When I was three, I attended Oaks Children Center (preschool) at Oaks Community Church. In 2006, I traveled to Nigeria, where my parents are from. When I was five years old, I went to Kindergarten at Old River Elementary. This is when started to make to make friends. My best friend at the time, Noah, was in my life from preschool to 2nd grade because …show more content…

Doing AVID helped me get better grades. I got honor roll for the first two quarters. Then my parents decided that we should visit Nigeria because my family has not visited since 2008. I came back and didn’t get honor roll for the 3rd quarter unfortunately due to missing two weeks of school. One night, we went to my high school orientation. It was fun meeting kids that I haven’t seen since elementary. Awhile later, My Mom and I went to go registrate for for my classes at Stockdale high school. I ended up finishing junior with getting honor roll for 4th quarter and getting a gold seal on my junior high …show more content…

I passed and was ready to take algebra. When I was in High School, it started out rough. The grades I had wasn’t what I wanted. Soccer was what I loved best. Playing varsity soccer my sophomore through senior was a great experience. Going to the dances were fun too. The amazing girl that I took to all the dances was soon the love of my life. I graduated high school with averaging a 3.7 gpa and completed the a-g requirements. A little bit after graduating, Seattle Sounders FC decided to put me on a trial for the academy. They ended up signing me letting me play for the second team.

Career & Adult Life (college - 40 years old)

After playing with Sounders, I decided to attend college and play soccer at The University of Washington. My major was civil engineering. Coming into the team I showed the coach that I could be a starter. I ended up starting and winning an Pac-12 and NCAA championship. I played for 4 years and decided to enter the MLS draft. Getting drafted was a dream. My parents and fiancee were with me. It's all I ever wanted as a kid. Getting my named called was a blessing. This was a new chapter in my life. When I visited my hometown, I proposed to my fiance. We all moved to same city after being separated from my wife. So much success happened during my career. I won three MLS cups. Won the Landon Donovan MVP award twice. At age 27 years old, we got married in Hawaii. We raised a family of three.

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