
Early Canid Domestication Summary

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Summary of third tier of unit 2 MAR
Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment

When the question of how some animals ended up to be domesticated is raised, dog, which was the first domesticated animal, fascinate scientists. Debates revolve around the issues of “intentionality" — human choice animal to domesticate— and "self-domestication," — animals choice to be domesticated. How you address these issues depends on your knowledge on how domesticated animals changed morphologically and physiologically. Domestication, which was long and complex process, natural selection and artificial selection, may both have functioned at same and different or times. Again, intentionality overlooks significant questions such as what do morphology, …show more content…

This difference is linked directly to the changes in their social behavior. Our research found that domesticated fox pups respond more quickly responded to sounds and open their eyes than their wild relatives. On the other hand, domesticated pups showed that they need more time to become united into a human social environment than their relatives. Moreover, the study reached the point that the is a correlation between delayed development of the fear response and the changes in plasma levels of corticosteroids- hormones concerned with an animal's adaptation to stress. In addition to that the study found that the more advanced an animal's selection for domesticated behavior was, the later it showed the fear response and the later came the surge in its plasma corticosteroids. Thus, selection for domestication gives rises to changes in the timing of the postnatal development of certain physiological and hormonal mechanisms underlying the formation of social behavior. Other physical changes, such as loss color pigment of coat, and floppy ears and rolled tails, reflect those in dogs and other domesticated animals. This new traits began to appear in the eighth to tenth selected

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