The purpose of this report is to analyze the components of an ENTP personality. Each letter represents a personality type and these work together to give an explanation of my personality. I am the subject of this report. What an extravert, intuition, thinking and perceiving types are, the domination in my interactions with others, and how these types affect my work life will be illustrated. What I learn about myself to become a better manager, co-worker, and employee will be explored. The report concludes that being an ENTP requires looking at situations through the eyes of others in order to be success due to weaknesses in having a dominant personality and not being swayed by the emotions of others. Step 1 …show more content…
My energy "source and direction" is expressed "mainly in the external world" (Anonymous, 2013). I do not like doing the same thing over and over again and prefer interacting with others, therefore the Extraversion and Introversion preference is true that the world outside of myself is what I prefer to deal with moreover the world in my own mind. Concerning my work life, previously the longest job I ever stayed with was the U.S. Attorney's Office. The job was hectic and everyday had a full calendar. Jobs that are routine and sedentary are not satisfactory to me. I enjoyed interacting with a variety of people, but I tend to need to get my point across. It is true that my extravert feeling is commonly to that of "affability and bonhomie," however others may not always view my personality as kind (Anonymous, 2013). It is possible that my personality could show "disagreeable behaviors, including interpersonal rudeness" to introverts that are more reserved (Erez, Schilpzand, Leavitt, Woolum, & Judge, 2015, p. 1778). I am currently working in the right field for my temperament because my "personality type is sometimes referred to as the 'Lawyer' type" (BSM Consulting, 2013). This is a personal weakness of my personality and temperament because I am very competitive and like to …show more content…
Kroeger, Thuesen, and Rutledge (2002) also concur that my thinking type will ascend me a management position (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p. 94). I will work on learning how to best motivate people because this is a weakness for my type. I will be an effective manager if I am successful in "looking for the good in employees, rewarding their accomplishments, helping them work through failures, and valuing each person and his or her contribution to the workforce" (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p. 94). In addition to leadership, teamwork and goal-setting are a part of organizational behavior. Concerning teamwork in an organization, I can be a good co-worker by using my communication wisely to express my work needs and not talking just to talk (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p.
Effective leaders opt to implement a specific type of leadership style as a result of their personalities and job experiences, and apply it to their organizational structure. However, that particular type of leadership style a leader utilizes may not apply to every job situation (Peak et al., 2010). In order to be an effective leader, an individual must acquire the three basic leadership skills and they are as follows: (1) human relations; (2) conceptual skills; and (3) technical skills (Haberfeld, 2013). Additionally, a skillful leader must also be proficient in motivating, communicating, and problem solving (Hess & Orthmann, 2012).
My personality type is ENTJ. Each letter has its own characteristic within my personality type. The E stands for Extraversion, N for Intuition, T for Thinking, and J for Judging. People with ENTJ personality types are natural born leaders. They like to take charge and direct people whenever they can. They’re self confident and career focused so they naturally fit in with the corporate world. Their strengths include being highly self confident, strategic thinkers, energetic, very efficient, strong willed and having excellent verbal communication skills. Some of an ENTJ’s weaknesses are impatience, poor handling of their own and other people’s emotions, intolerance, and stubbornness. Interestingly I found that Bill Gates,
My personality type according to the KTS-II assessment is Artisan. As an Artisan, I seek constant change, adventure and enjoy taking risks (Kiersey, 2015). The assessment aligns with an extroverted personality. An extroverted person is outgoing and talkative, often enjoys being the center of attention. An extraverted leadership skill is to focus one’s dominant characteristics on empowering and motivating the team rather them oneself. An extraverted leader is more likely to express charisma, provide intellectual stimulation and individual consideration to their coworkers (Grant, Gino, & Hofmann, 2011). Being free willed and seeking risk can conflict with opposite personality types, such as those who seek safety and certainty. Understanding
As human beings, we different from one another. We are created with a lot of character traits. We all can gain knowledge about our own personalities, we develop our perceptive about strengths and weaknesses, and clarify what we truly value as individuals. The Myers Brigg personality assessment classified me as an Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ISFP) personality type. Results showed slightly Introvert 16 %, sensing 12%, feeling 19%, and perceiving 3%. Throughout this paper I will analyze the diverse parts of my own personality traits and how those traits have effected both my personal and my working environment.
The world would be a lot better of a place if everyone got along and knew how to communicate effectively with one another. There are several different personalities at any given workplace. “According to typological theory, each of us is born with a predisposition for certain personality preferences” (Kroeger pg11 para4). The Myers-Briggs Personality assessment is the most effective way to determine one’s personality type. The test uses different markers to determine how one is stimulated and exerts energy, gather information, make decisions, and living structure. At the completion of the test one will get personality type that is comprised of four letters. The test was developed based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs-Myers’ psychological research on personalities and later dissected into Otto Kroeger’s book, “Type Talk at Work.” This book gives one the tools to determine what one’s personality is and then goes into great detail about one’s strengths and weaknesses and how it applies to to real life situations. My personality description is ENFP; Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. The following are details regarding and ENFP personality type examining a holistic view including personal and work place interactions. Everything is based on insights gained from real world experiences and interactions.
My career assessment test for the personality results show that I am, INFJ that is indicated as I- Introverted: tend to be inwardly focused, drawing energy from contemplation, ideas and reflection. It stated I was sixty-seven percent introverted and about thirty-three percent extroverted. My assessment test mentions that I would tend to be more inwardly directly in my emotional focus, and concentrating more on my own thoughts and ideas than on outer motivations. It says I will attract energy from within, meaning from a personal inspiration, thoughts and or reflection. Usually, introverts might be considered more quiet and withdrawn than extroverts, who tend to be very talkative and social. I feel that is somewhat true about me, because sometimes
According to the Myers-Briggs Test, l express the ENFP personality type – dominant in Extraversion and yearning for deeper personal connection. Daily my extraversion guides my encounters with people, from the local encounters at coffee shops to my personal relationships, l find joy in communicating with others—building bridges for life long connections. Although many extroverts are often labeled as full of energy twenty-four seven, l value my time a lone both as a recharging mechanisms, and a time for introspection. It is often at these times of introspection that l reflect on my goals as a future physician to be a lifelong learner, actively engaged, compassionate, and leading with competence. These long-established goals, combined with curiosity
a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have pre-existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low emotional
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers-Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I’m strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I’m open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I’m more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally
According to my IPIP-NEO narrative report I am a very independent, outgoing, calm, and curious person. My comprehensive report shows that I am: high scoring in openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion, average scoring in agreeableness and low scoring in Neuroticism. Raking in the 82nd percentile, extraversion was my second highest scoring trait. This means I am pretty outgoing, extraverted and love people. This is evident my scores of 89 in friendliness, 84 in assertiveness and 75 in activity level. Despite my high score in extraversion, I am on the lower side of average in the excitement-seeking facet with a score or 33. This means that even though I might like a little hustle and bustle and take charge I wont take to many risks and don’t always need a thrill to be satisfied.
Throughout the course of years, I tend to find out more about myself. Every day is challenging and full of many surprises. However, the most challenging thing in my life is working with other personalities. Only to find myself considered an ENFJ with a temperament of NF. Yes, I’m open to others and would put myself last, but I now understand how to truly connect.
An introverted intuitive thinker otherwise known as an INTP personality type is who I am.
For centuries leaders have been analyzed in order to determine what the traits and characteristics of a successful leader are. Leadership, as defined by Koontz and Weihrich (2008) is “the art or a process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals” (p. 311). Leadership plays an important role in employee’s participation, creativity, recruitment to an organization, their commitment to the organization, and productivity levels. Over the years, there have been a number of theories surrounding leadership such as the “Great Man” theory, which, according to Riaz and Haider (2010), “assumes that leaders are born and have innate qualities, therefore, leaders
The topic of leadership is historically one of the most widely researched when it comes to explorations of organizational behavior. The success of any institution or organization is pegged on the quality of its leadership because it is the determining factor on the pattern and speed at which it achieves its growth goals. Leaders are responsible for steering an organization toward its goal by mobilizing resources (both human and material) and maximizing their efficiency. The key deliverables for many leaders include employee well-being, teamwork, adherence to organizational processes and procedures, innovation, crisis
I believe you learn about leadership by acting as an example. You should be prepared to do the things you are asking others to do by getting on your hands and knees, if need be, and get your hands dirty. This engraves a picture into the mind of an employee or subordinate to what type of a manager you are. In this paper, I will cover the role a manager plays in an organization describing four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. I will then describe three traits: conceptual, human, and technical, which an individual must possess to become a successful manager within an organization and how they fit in with the four functions.