
ENTP Personality

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The purpose of this report is to analyze the components of an ENTP personality. Each letter represents a personality type and these work together to give an explanation of my personality. I am the subject of this report. What an extravert, intuition, thinking and perceiving types are, the domination in my interactions with others, and how these types affect my work life will be illustrated. What I learn about myself to become a better manager, co-worker, and employee will be explored. The report concludes that being an ENTP requires looking at situations through the eyes of others in order to be success due to weaknesses in having a dominant personality and not being swayed by the emotions of others. Step 1 …show more content…

My energy "source and direction" is expressed "mainly in the external world" (Anonymous, 2013). I do not like doing the same thing over and over again and prefer interacting with others, therefore the Extraversion and Introversion preference is true that the world outside of myself is what I prefer to deal with moreover the world in my own mind. Concerning my work life, previously the longest job I ever stayed with was the U.S. Attorney's Office. The job was hectic and everyday had a full calendar. Jobs that are routine and sedentary are not satisfactory to me. I enjoyed interacting with a variety of people, but I tend to need to get my point across. It is true that my extravert feeling is commonly to that of "affability and bonhomie," however others may not always view my personality as kind (Anonymous, 2013). It is possible that my personality could show "disagreeable behaviors, including interpersonal rudeness" to introverts that are more reserved (Erez, Schilpzand, Leavitt, Woolum, & Judge, 2015, p. 1778). I am currently working in the right field for my temperament because my "personality type is sometimes referred to as the 'Lawyer' type" (BSM Consulting, 2013). This is a personal weakness of my personality and temperament because I am very competitive and like to …show more content…

Kroeger, Thuesen, and Rutledge (2002) also concur that my thinking type will ascend me a management position (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p. 94). I will work on learning how to best motivate people because this is a weakness for my type. I will be an effective manager if I am successful in "looking for the good in employees, rewarding their accomplishments, helping them work through failures, and valuing each person and his or her contribution to the workforce" (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p. 94). In addition to leadership, teamwork and goal-setting are a part of organizational behavior. Concerning teamwork in an organization, I can be a good co-worker by using my communication wisely to express my work needs and not talking just to talk (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002, p.

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