
Dynamic Character Of Lady Macbeth

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Certain characters stay in the minds of the audience for years to come. Whether it be a minute and surprising detail, or an extravagant and upbeat philosophy, this new creation is a person of unique capability and expression. Several actors have brought characters to life and portrayed their attributes to the world. Examples such as Jared Leto’s The Joker and Daniel Radcilff’s Harry Potter have influenced the big screen and raked in millions of dollars. While these portrayals are outstanding, it is necessary to revert to the beginning in order to grasp the true purpose of any given role. The role of Lady Macbeth is actually a very interesting topic to study. Shakespeare begins the play and shows us one side of a dynamic character, yet at …show more content…

Lady Macbeth begins the show as an enforcer, someone who will always get her point across. She is extremely arrogant and speaks harsh words, and she is personally responsible for the acts Macbeth committed. “My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white,” (2.2.82-83). This excerpt is the spoken of word of Lady Macbeth directly speaking to Macbeth. She tells him that he is a coward and she is ashamed to have him on this task. At this moment in the play the relationship between Lady Macbeth and her husband are heavily one sided. Lady Macbeth rejects Macbeth at several different moments and insults his pride every step of the way. At the end of the play, however, the relationship is completely different. Macbeth has now become the monster and as he rampages through Scotland, Lady Macbeth begins to feel humanistic emotions. She is afraid of the consequences of her actions and Macbeth hardly notices as the guilt inside her drives her completely mad. The relationship between the two ends in act 5, “The Queen, my lord, is dead,” (5.5 19). The death of the queen and the lack of an emotional response from Macbeth is the cherry on top of Shakespeare’s final crescendo. Shakespeare manages to have the audience feeling sorry for the primary antagonist in this play by having her death seem

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