
Duty Of Care Nvq

Decent Essays

1.1 Having a duty of care in my job role requires me to promote the wellbeing of the people I support so that they are kept safe from harm and abuse and from any injury and to keep the people we support safe by giving the best care and support possible and along with following standards and practices from regulated bodies like CQC and local authorities along with policies and procedures and with health and safety policies and risk assessments within the workplace. 1.2 Duty of care is related to duty of candour as we have a legal responsibility to provide care to a reasonable standard and duty of candour is being transparent when things go wrong and being open and honest about any mistakes and owning up to them in a responsible way. 1.3 By following the duty of care, we are meant to be keeping the people we support safe from harm and abuse; if any form of abuse is seen or suspected or anything that causes concern, we are legally required to act on it by reporting it / whistleblowing. …show more content…

2.2 Using health professionals' guidance and other professional bodies, social workers, health coaches, occupational therapists and family or advocates if they have no family and what's in their best interests depending on what it is regarding ultimately respecting the individual's choice if they have full capacity to understand their decisions and the outcomes. 2.3 Looking at support plans and medical records or asking

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