
Dulles Despotism

Decent Essays

In his speech to the Congress of Industrial Organizations, “The Moral Initiative,” Dulles warned members attending the meeting, “We cannot, however, ignore the hazards created by international communism, which plots to pervert nationalism to its own imperialistic ends.” Dulles felt that it was the responsibility of the free world to stand up against the despotism of Communism in the speech he continues:
The great weakness of despotism has been, is, and always will be, its disregard of the rights of man. Despotism can always be routed if free men exploit that weakness. If our example can illumine again the great advantages of a free society, then Soviet communism will lose its deceptive appeal … This quest for liberty must be simultaneously …show more content…

The vote was seventeen in favor, two abstentions, and one against. Guatemala voted against the resolution because it was believed to be a violation of the ideals of democracy. The Caracas Conference was a victory for the Eisenhower Administration because it would allow for action to be taken against a state which had fallen under the influence of Communist subversion. Members of the convention attempted to pass 51 amendments to the resolution in order to weaken it, Dulles managed to prevent the passage of 50. The amendment that did pass however, changed the resolution from immediate action against a Communist state, to more of a recommendation. Essentially, members of the OAS would have the power to interfere to combat a Communist state, but were not required to. Although it was not as powerful as Dulles had intended for it to be, he had still given the U.S. power to begin the process of searching for Russian ties to the Guatemalan government in order to gain legal support for intervention by other members of the OAS. Although the members at the conference were expecting to discuss economic issues, Dulles and other officials from the U.S. who attended the event pushed the anticommunist agenda in order to pass the resolution through. Dulles opening speech on March 4, 1954 spoke of the dangers that …show more content…

There is not a single country in this hemisphere which has not been penetrated by the apparatus of International Communism … The Communist conspiracy is not to be taken lightly. It’s agents operate under the iron discipline of the Soviet Communist Party acting as the self-proclaimed “General Staff of the World Proletariat.” The agents themselves, in order to gain a following pretend to be reformists seeking to eradicate the evils which exist in any society.

Dulles attempted to use the same tactic he had with the American people by frightening them of the horrors of Communism. While some of the members of the conference needed little persuasions, others were convinced by his speeches despite not being wholly concerned with the idea of communism. Without Dulles persistence, the Caracas Conference could have ended on a drastically different

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