
Similarities Between Cuban Revolution And Chinese Revolution

Decent Essays

One fear that has plagued our world since 1848 is the political ideology of communism. Ever since the publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, communism has been the fear of many world leaders as they have watched great countries fall into the hands of revolutionist. Yet, some fail to realize is how easily some revolutions compare to others and how some do not. Although the revolutions discussed in the lecture did not seem to relate to each other, the similarities and differences are striking. The Cuban revolution was an armed revolt against the Cuban president Fulgencio Batista. Batista was was former soldier who was elected president for two terms, yet during his second term he became transitioned the Cuban government towards …show more content…

Both revolutions had very comparable leaders. Both Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro used the famous war tactic of guerrilla warfare. Mao Zedong using it during the Japanese Invasion, as said in the lecture, and Castro using it against Fulgencio Batista. They also heavily utilized propaganda during the revolution, in an effort to remind the common people of their promise to better their country. The second reason why the two revolutions are similar is because the men who lost the revolutions, Chiang- Kai- shek to Mao and Batista to Castro, took their followers out of their home country. Chiang- Kai- shek took his followers to Taiwan while Batista took his followers to Florida and New York (Defronzo 181). Lastly, both leaders shared the same Communist ideology on how to solve the issues within their country after the success of their revolutions. Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro both wished to end poverty, provide education, and make health services available to everyone. The two believed that they would be the “saving grace” to their countries. In terms of the Cuban Revolution, Castro provided thousands with social programs and other benefits which gave him the support of the working middle class (Defronzo 169). As for Mao, he implemented the Great Leap Forward. Many unemployed people entered the labor force and many improvements happened in the agricultural …show more content…

The Protestant reformation was a social and religious reformation, unlike the Cuban revolution which was a change in the government. Martin Luther nailed the ninety five theses to the church door in 1517 because there was a need to separate Church and State. Martin Luther was a against the ideals of the papal authority and the indulgences, as stated in the lecture. As for the Cuban revolution, none of it was religiously motivated. It was motivated out of the comunal dislike for the reigning dictator, Fulgencio Batista, at the

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