
Drugs In The 1960s Research Paper

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The Effect Of Drug In The Culture 1960’s-1970’s

The world leads to the introduction of drugs and open up the minds. A population university professors were preaching “ tune and drop out”, they were promoting drug use in America. As most of us know, this path would lead us down the path to drug abuse and away from traditional family value. Not only where the musicians trying drugs, but also some of their fans were using it too, they would do it while listening to their music. Most of these people trying drugs were because bands were doing it. Also, they would write songs about drug wish encourage them to try it. Another music band was the Beatles. The Beatles music career has been difficult due to the drugs.First, the Beatles were taking pills In the 1960s the year people in America were showing discontentment and dissatisfaction with life thru music and protest.The 1960s, a professor named Timothy Leary, who teaches at Harvard begged people to try the drug (LSD).Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as acid, is a “psychedelic drug known for its psychological effects.” Some popular drug in the 1960s was heroin, Marijuana, and LSD. Heroin is an “opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine.” Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance, known as “black tar heroin.”Marijuana was first used by jazz musicians and hip characters in the inner cities, this was known as the beat generation. The drug marijuana comes from the marijuana plant. Also Marijuana is used to elevate perception, affect mood, and relax. Also in 1960, the …show more content…

N.p., 30 July 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
Gallup, Inc. "Decades of Drug Use: Data From the '60s and '70s." N.p., 02 July 2002. Web. 25 Apr. 2017.
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