
Drug Addiction Essay

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My entire life my mother has struggled with drug addiction. When I was younger, a typical day spent with her was stealing money or medications from our loved ones or friends. It did not bother my mother one bit to steal from anyone especially her own children. But she justified her actions by blaming it on a brain disease that she could not help. It was merely a choice that she made everyday to hurt her family and those around her. She would choose to steal, lie, and cheat her way to obtaining the drug of her choice. Drug addiction is not a brain disease but rather a choice because you can relieve the symptoms, the idea of compulsion, the effects of neuroplasticity, treatment, and the labeling theory. A disease is defined as “a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms” (Merriam-Webster 2017). The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines drug addiction as “a chronic relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.” If drug addiction was truly a brain disease, then addicts would not be able to relieve their symptoms. If an addict truly wanted to stop their drug of choice they could, ridding themselves of their symptoms (Slate). One cannot associate their symptoms of drug addiction with having a disease because they have chosen willfully to partake in their drug of choice and assume the

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