What Not to Buy for your Baby
Having a newborn in the house is such an exciting time in every parent’s life. As a new parent, you probably can’t wait to shop for your baby needs. However, before you rush to the mall, you should sit down, research, and identify what products you should avoid buying.
Be mindful that not all products are safe for your child. Just because they are sold in the store means every item is suitable for your baby. It is unfortunate but some products may possibly cause serious injuries to your precious one. This is why it is important to research each product first before taking it from the shelf.
Here are some products that we highly recommend you avoid.
Drop-Side Crib
A drop-side crib is designed to give you a convenient way to access to your baby. You don’t have exert much effort and bend over to reach your child. It is built with one or
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The drop-side feature may possibly suffocate or strangle your baby. The alternative is to use a crib with fixed sides.
Infant Bath Seats
Infant bath seats are designed to place your baby in a sitting position while bathing them. This provides you with assistance so you can easily and conveniently wash your child.
Why it is dangerous:
There have been reports of incidents and deaths related to this product. Bath seats can accidentally tip and fall over to the water causing your baby to drown especially if left unattended. It is safer to use a sturdy plastic bathtub for your baby and never leave them unattended even for just one second.
Sling Carriers
A sling carrier allows you to keep your baby close to your body. It is similar to carrying a bag, however, in this case, you are carrying your child. It may offer you a peace of mind knowing that your baby is safe but in reality, it is giving you a false sense of security.
Why it is
Hormone Levels: When people have babies, their hormone levels get out of whack. Mom, baby, and even dad will have fluctuation in hormones that are intended to help parents become parents, and help the baby adjust to this new world. One of the fastest ways to get hormone levels back under control is to indulge in some baby cuddles. In today’s world, it’s hard to find the time to sit around and just cuddle the baby. However, with baby carriers, parents don’t have to worry about finding the time because they can wear their baby while continuing on with
In spite of a major decline in the incidences of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome since the American Academy of Pediatrics published its recommendation in 1992 that infants should be placed on their back for sleeping this decline has stopped and left us at a plateau. Even though this was released many families are still butting babies on their bellies to sleep. Because of that, it has become increasingly important to address the risk that puts infants at greater risk for SIDS. In this paper of the changeable and non-changeable risk factors of SIDS will be addressed. The recommendations described in this paper include placing infants on a back position to sleep, use of a firm sleep surface and the need for routinely scheduled immunization.
The concept of health is beyond the absence of illness; there are multiple determinants of health evident in the Institute of Medicine’s model of health (See Fig. 1) (Crosby, Quinn, & Kalinyak, 2015). According to the model health is influenced by the individual’s biological traits such as age, sex, race and biological factors, and social networks, culture and living, working and environmental conditions. In a nutshell, health is determined and influenced by the combination of physical, psychological, and social factors over an individual’s lifespan as displayed in the biopsychosocial multidisciplinary model (See Fig. 2). Firstly, physical health or allostasis refers to the maintenance of physiological homoeostasis in changing circumstances
They continue to state that all infants need to be placed on their backs anytime they go to sleep, including naps, until they are one year old. They advise against placing a child to sleep on their side, and say that an infant should only be placed on its stomach if it suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and the risk of death from GERD outweighs the risk of death from SIDS. The AAP states that preterm babies need to be placed on their backs immediately, as they have an even higher risk of SIDS than others due to a lower birth weight. According to the AAP, hospitalized preterm babies should also be placed on their backs while hospitalized, and they encourage NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) personnel to teach parents safe sleeping habits (AAP,
Every parent knows that holding on to a child who is wet with water or sweat can be tricky. They get slippery and difficult to hold onto. That can turn a little summer fun into something that is not as much fun as you may have hoped it would be. A water baby carrier is designed to help parents hold onto their little one when they are in the water or out enjoying all that summer has to offer. The water-friendly baby carrier you choose will make it easier to enjoy all aspects of summer without causing you or your little one to be hotter than necessary and they also work in showers or any number of other activities that may involve moisture.
The Guava family Lotus crib folds up small enough to be carried in a large shoebox if you are going to choose the bassinet style crib.
Always strap small children securely into the harnesses of high chairs and child carriers. When a baby is in a child carrier, do not leave the carrier on any high surface. Always rest it on the ground.
Humans have gone through many stages of adaptation, allowing for great expansion and our unrivaled dominance of the earth. So it could seem as though humans have reached the peak of evolutionary development. Evolution is often thought of as a natural process, and were it not for humans, this might be true. However, evolution, in the strictest sense, is a change in the genetic structure of a population (Jurmain, et al., 5). While natural selection is a major contributor to the process of evolution, humans are no longer as heavily influenced by these forces, as they once were.
Whatever your reason for choosing baby wearing, finding the best baby carrier for newborns can seem like an overwhelming task. There are so many styles to choose from! So, if you've never practiced wearing your baby, how do you know which is the best baby carrier for you? You can visit Babywearing International and learn a bit about choosing a baby carrier or see if there's a babywearing group in your area. Many groups will have display and loaner carriers to try on.
SIDS rates have dropped dramatically since 1992, when parents were first told to put babies to sleep on their backs or sides to reduce the likelihood of SIDS. Unfortunately, SIDS
One Shoulder Baby Carriers: This type of baby carrier is where most of the weight is supported by one shoulder.
Buying strollers for kids is a very important decision that parents need to make. They all want the types of strollers that are convenient to use but comfortable and safe for their kids. Umbrella strollers are very popular these days because they are compact, easy to fold or carry around. A best umbrella stroller is a wonderful complement to a standard or jogging stroller. There are some mistakes that new parents usually make when shopping for umbrella strollers as follows:
I am a Year 10 student seeking part-time employment in the hospitality industry. I have excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to relate to people of all ages in an articulate and respectful manner. I demonstrate intrinsic motivation and a desire to complete all responsibilities to a high standard and will not compromise on quality. My key strengths include: excellent organisational skills, punctuality, warm persona and a willingness to learn.
While you are breast-feeding can also read a book or change channels on TV! Then in later years it becomes a space where the child can be placed without problems of falls. It can also be used as support of the lumbar or cervical! Do not therefore let's just call them just "pillows for breast-feeding"! They are also very useful at the end of gestation:
Don't put your Baby to sleep on anything soft. Don't use cot bumpers once your Baby can get up on her hands and knees. Watch out for bits of string or ribbons from mobiles.