
Drop Side Crib Research Paper

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What Not to Buy for your Baby
Having a newborn in the house is such an exciting time in every parent’s life. As a new parent, you probably can’t wait to shop for your baby needs. However, before you rush to the mall, you should sit down, research, and identify what products you should avoid buying.
Be mindful that not all products are safe for your child. Just because they are sold in the store means every item is suitable for your baby. It is unfortunate but some products may possibly cause serious injuries to your precious one. This is why it is important to research each product first before taking it from the shelf.
Here are some products that we highly recommend you avoid.
Drop-Side Crib
A drop-side crib is designed to give you a convenient way to access to your baby. You don’t have exert much effort and bend over to reach your child. It is built with one or …show more content…

The drop-side feature may possibly suffocate or strangle your baby. The alternative is to use a crib with fixed sides.
Infant Bath Seats
Infant bath seats are designed to place your baby in a sitting position while bathing them. This provides you with assistance so you can easily and conveniently wash your child.
Why it is dangerous:
There have been reports of incidents and deaths related to this product. Bath seats can accidentally tip and fall over to the water causing your baby to drown especially if left unattended. It is safer to use a sturdy plastic bathtub for your baby and never leave them unattended even for just one second.
Sling Carriers
A sling carrier allows you to keep your baby close to your body. It is similar to carrying a bag, however, in this case, you are carrying your child. It may offer you a peace of mind knowing that your baby is safe but in reality, it is giving you a false sense of security.
Why it is

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