Every aspect of drawing is applicable in my major: Animation. I’ve learned quite a lot here in Drawing 101. And different parts of each of our projects have helped me grow as an artist. But the projects that have helped me the most are the ovoids and planes project, the still-life drawings, and the cityscape drawing.
Learning about the ovoids and planes of facial structure has helped me construct facial features more accurately than I’ve ever been able to draw. Practicing self-portraits in the mirror has helped me learn how to better contrast facial features and has shown me how the texture of skin stretches around facial features. Drawing from stone busts helped me learn how to really look for the different values to use to make the drawing more realistic. Each of these things will help me with creating different characters and making them seem more realistic in character animation.
The still life drawings have helped me refine my skills of proportioning I learned last quarter in Drawing 100. But they have also taught me how different objects of different hues and tones interact when placed next to each other. This quarter I
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While I seem to be getting the hang of using vanishing points and proportioning objects, I still can’t seem to grasp texture very well. But this last project has also challenged me to draw from my imagination, which at times is also a struggle for me because —just like writing— I can’t always seem to explain what I want to convey onto paper correctly. But this is another thing I need to practice as anything animated, while referenced off of real objects, will also require me to draw from my imagination frequently.
Facial structure, drawing from imagination, and local color are extremely important in my major. I really need to get used to creating texture, I plan on practicing a lot. But I imagine that I will learn even more next quarter when I take Life
Thesis: Drawing matters and everyone should draw because it’s useful, it can benefit your life and anyone can do it.
The first thing I see is the variety of objects located in the painting, the way that there are multiple objects in the painting though seems a little messy and overwhelming, as well as no clear relationship between the objects at first glance. The second principle of design I see in the painting is the use of the asymmetrical balance, this is seen since the image is a collage of different objects the balance objectively is not the same on both sides, however there is a sense of balance between the different types of objects from the makeup products to the fruits and flowers, by how the space the objects occupy roughly the same at first glance. This leads into the scale of the image, most of the objects are roughly the actual size that they are in real life, and the way the objects take up space together is a great example of proportion with the way that all objects relate to each other in size one way or
Drawing the Color Line by Howard Zinn the second chapter from A People’s history of the United States. The authors writes this chapter to explain racism and how it started, “a continent were we can trace the coming of the first whites and the first blacks-might supply at least a few clues” he wants to use history to try to explain why it started. In this chapter Howard Zinn gives us an insight on Slavery and racism in the early 17th century of America. This chapter does not only tell us why slavery accrued but how it happened. The author Howard Zinn tells us how the Americans were simple prone to having slaves because of the circumstances they faced in the early 17th century. It was a period of starvation Howard
During my free time I love to dance and listen to music, but drawing and sculpting is what I love to do the most.
Proportion is seen in everyone's faces, they are all perfectly proportioned making them look very lifelike almost like the painting look like a
When you learn to draw, soon you realize: the big part of this art is just craftsmanship and technique. When you're expert in the basic methods, your creativity can rely on this foundations. This leaves you more freedom for developing your drawing skills and imagination rather than focusing on applying the basic methods decently.
The use of geometric shapes in this painting allows the subject to be viewed in both a recognizable and unrecognizable state at the same time. Overall, geometric shapes and patterns play an essential role in what the viewer sees, which is further supported by a powerful color palate.
In the class Drawing 101: Composition and Media, I have learned new skills that relate to my major, interior design. Drawing 101 has taught me numerous techniques of fine art. These techniques are what determine artists and designers to be professionally trained. By being professionally trained, clients have a higher likelihood to hire a certain artist or designer. This is due to the fact that the designer knows a greater amount of information for the job. In this class I have learned how to gesture draw, accurately draw proportion, and draw in three-point perspective.
Sculpting is an extraordinary work which takes more time to get a perfect shape. A sculptor must focus more on carrying out the works with more attention in order to create best impacts on viewers. The sculptors offer services to customers with innovative concepts for experiencing a great look. Some even assist pet lovers to erect statues and memorial urns with unique ideas for recollecting the memories anytime in life. It is a known fact that cats attract a majority of pet lovers next to dogs. The cat scriptures are a suitable one for those who want to portray the life and history of their pets with outstanding styles. Anyone interested in creating them with amazing
Next year, I believe that art class could incorporate different artforms such as photography, or digital art into the class. That could expose students to different art, and allow them to have a wider understanding and how to view art in general.
Out of all the various objects that were placed in the classroom, the object combination I have chosen was especially difficult to express, due to the similar shading, color tone, and the texture feeling from the cloth that lies below it. But after completion I could feel that my sense for color has grown, this work set the basis for my future projects such as human figure oil paintings.
The first drawing is untitled. It depicts the back of a Holly Hobby girl jumping in the air with joy and freedom. She is free. There are no fears, no anxiety just the empty void of space surrounding her. In her world there is no daytime or nighttime. I drew this picture while I was still in elementary school. All of my drawings I did as a child were of little girls playing and having fun. It was imperative that I created a space were this little girl could play, be liberated and not worry about coming off the page into my world. The series of drawings I did as a child allowed me to have my moment of space and freedom within the constraint of my room. As I prepared to write this paper and observed my childhood drawings, I understand more now how art saved me. The drawing of the Holly Hobby girl on old faded vanilla paper is not just a drawing; she is my friend. We laughed, played and cried together. We had slumber and tea parties together. When everybody left me alone in the house she kept me company and when my parents started fighting we had our secret hiding place. German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller stated, “Art is the daughter of freedom,” then art is my avatar for freedom.
For my case study the three pieces of artwork that I’ll be talking about revolve around animation, as that is my field of study. The artwork I chose will range from concept art, character design, and pencil tests.
Few opportunities exist for elementary students to explore different art mediums outside of their brief art classes during the school week, but with the help of the nation’s largest youth development organization, 4-H, the CFHS art club has provided these children with opportunities to pursue creative endeavors with more alacrity than ever before.
In my academic life when I was getting familiar with shipbuilding, ship design I really found these very interesting. In third year of my undergraduate life I was taught some subjects