
Dracula Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Another theory I would like to apply to Dracula is that he is a psychopath. When I went through the checklist for his personality or character traits, I scored him as a 28, which is above the consensus ranking by doctors of 26 points. In terms of his superficial charm, I scored him with a two. I did this because the book describes him as a clever man, with above average intelligence, as a likable conversationalist; even in the conversation he had with the peasant before killing his wife, he was described as being emotionally calm with little discomfort. For his sense of self-worth I scored him with a one. I picked this answer because while he didn’t brag about his abilities, he often gave off the feeling that he believed that he was better than the people …show more content…

He felt a need to be a part of his kingdom and a part of maintaining its perfect in order to avoid his boredom. This is the reason for his impulsivity to committing war and acts of violence in times of tranquility. To add to this, I also rated him with a 2 for juvenile delinquency antisocial personality disorder, mostly due to my belief that he has antisocial personality disorder. And due to the fact that he spent most of his young life in jail, and when provided with the opportunity to be released, his lack of respect for authority put him back in jail. For pathological lying, I rated him with a one because while he didn’t lie on a constant basis he was frequently deceptive to his people. Likewise, for manipulation, I rated him a 2 because while he didn’t lie often, he constantly used manipulation to ensure that his subjects were well cared for and were under-control. In terms of lacking remorse, having a shallow affect, and lacking empathy, I rated him with a two for all three. This can clearly be seen by the fact that he has killed between 4,000 and 10,000 people and constantly killed people impulsively without a second thought (Florescu,

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