
Dr Strangelove History

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When looking at the past, it is vital to pay attention to the role of the entertainment industry. As Darren had mentioned, Dr. Howell had emphasized the importance of art in history. Given current times, media plays a large role on how the general masses perceive an event. For this reason, art and film history are very relevant to understanding history. Movies, oftentimes, are geared towards current affairs. Dr. Strangelove is a prime example of this, particularly because it is a satire of a historical event. It is very politically charged and contains numerous references to the Cold War, something the general masses were concerned about. Given the success of this movie, we can tell that the themes this movie resonated with the public. As Molly mentioned, in current times there is fear of terrorism. Similarly, at that time, the primary concern was an attack from the Russians. We saw Dr. Strangelove address that matter in its own way, which is why is appealed to the people. The use of satire creates a …show more content…

Take The King’s Speech for example, the overall plot of the movie contains some grain of truth, however “It is no secret that many of the details in this movie have been skewed and exaggerated. Hugo Vickers, a royal adviser to film, stated that he understands that the adjustments were necessary to make an entertaining movie.” ( I think we could also clearly see that with Dr. Strangelove that many aspects of it could not be taken seriously (unless you believe a man once cowboy rode a bomb down). So while movies can be used in order to understand history, we also must be aware that, unless it is a documentary, should not be relied upon for accurate

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