
Historiography The Natural

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Historiography Historiography is a historical film theory that focuses on the assumptions, principles, and methodologies of historical study (Giannetti, 528). Giannetti divides this theoretical study into four different types of film history: aesthetic, technological, economic, and social. According to American scholar, Raymond Fielding, “the history of motion pictures—as an art form, as a medium of communication, and as an industry—has been determined principally by technological innovations” (Giannetti, 531). With time comes much technological advancement that will allow filmmakers to accurately portray what they want and give the audiences the intended experience. Technological advancements have aided in the production of The Rookie and The Natural in the sense that both films could be shown through a multitude of decadal lenses. Both films show the main characters in their childhood and how that has shaped who they are, but it also shows them in adulthood as well. The changes in time range from …show more content…

While The Natural contains many attributes from each perspective, the analysis can best be related to structuralism and semiology. Joseph Campbell mentions a good point while discussing the function of mythology by saying that, “one of the functions of mythology is to guide human spirit by providing common or universal symbols that offset that darker nature of humans” (Wood & Pincus, 22). The Natural most certainly follows this function with the underlying network of symbolic meaning along with its many symbols. Each of the metaphors discussed by Wood and Pincus can relate to the points previously mentioned in the structuralism/semiology section and their analysis includes some aspects not previously noted that would further contribute to the underlying structure, such as the ‘universal

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