
Domestic Violence in the United States Essay example

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A seven year-old boy frantically calls 911 as he witnesses his father physically abusing his mother. Tears overflow his eyes as the mother is beaten. The father demands his wife to never leave him, and although she agrees, he continuously beats her, showing dominance and control. The boy drops the phone and backs into a corner while his mother is on the ground and his father is coming at him with a closed fist. This is just one case of domestic violence that affects nearly 32 million Americans, which is over 10% of the United States population. What exactly is domestic violence? Also known as domestic, spousal and child abuse, domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic. Regardless of what …show more content…

The majority of sexually abused victims are women but in some cases, older men have been the subject of abuse too. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, between one-third and one-half of all abused women are raped by their partner during their relationship. Women whose partners abuse them physically and sexually are at a high risk of being seriously injured or killed. Some physical indicators include bruises and bleeding around the genital area, difficulty walking or sitting and sexually transmitted diseases. Person who have low self-esteem and isolate themselves tend to be the subject of emotional/psychological abuse. Psychological abuse is intentional infliction of emotional or mental anguish and humiliation. Physical indicators include significant weight loss or gain and elevated blood pressure. Behavioral depression include sleeping problems, shows signs of depression and confusion, is constantly emotionally upset and socially isolate themselves. Because of the similarities of these indicators, many cannot distinguish the difference between mental abuse and chronic depression. Remember, an abuser's goal is to have complete control over the victim and will usually use money to do so. Common abusers are family members who have drug, gambling or financial problems and caregivers. People who are isolated, lonely, mentally and physically

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