
Domestic Violence In Sports

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Domestic violence in sports is threatening to affect the integrity of the sporting world in many different dimensions. True sportsmanship is rare to find in the sporting arenas in the US. Domestic violence is one of the most common crimes committed among male athletes. The statement is worrying considering that the violent crime rate in America has been steadily reducing. The issue is indeed a highly divisive one considering that the opinions are many and varied. One of the arguments is that the sportsmen should be viewed solely for their actions on the ground. Domestic issues should not be an issue for these people. However, there needs to be a careful consideration that players are human beings and with that comes the mandate to take care …show more content…

Career achievements need to be based on professional conduct and milestones covered. However, the big sports associations such as Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA) tend to factor in other principles as well (Withers 147). For these leagues, certain behaviors off the field are keen indicators that determine how a player is viewed. With such efforts, these leagues aim to maintain a standard that professional athletes can use to guide their lives. However, there are questions that linger regarding the forms of conduct that are deemed to be unworthy of these athletes. The question is also posed to the wider society since these professionals are a part of it (Schrotenboer …show more content…

Violence remains a prevalent occurrence in the United States despite a steady decline in its occurrence over the past two decades. The group that is most responsible for the increases in violent crime in America is the young adult males. Gender violence is to be accounted as the major form of anti-social behavior that is perpetrated by these young men. The violence against women includes issues acts such as sexual assault, physical battering, rape, threats of sexual or physical abuse, and psychological as well as emotional abuse. As such, these facts point to the fact that gender violence is an issue that occurs across all sectors of the US social life. However, there is a concern that such issues are not adequately addressed when it comes to the sporting world. Other sectors of the US society have come up with well addressed procedures that deal with the issues of domestic violence (Withers 147).
The argument has been made that sports people should not be considered to be role models in our society. The subject is indeed a contentious one considering that people are generally social being and are highly influenced by the actions of other people. While parents have the responsibility of shaping the mentalities of their children, it should be noted that the attitudes of our young ones are easily shaped by what is happening around them. Having

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