
Domestic Violence: A Survivor Story

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A Survivors Story Violence has become a part of our everyday lives. We see it on the news, hear about on the radio, and read about it in the newspaper. There is no escaping the world of violence. People have no regards to others. The law is there to protect us against crimes, but the crimes must be reported first. When I think of violence, I think of Domestic violence. Most of the time these crimes go unreported. I am a survivor of such violence, and I deal with the after effects on a daily basis. Domestic violence happens regardless of age, race, or gender. Domestic violence has three main areas sexual abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse.
First of all, sexual abuse is very violent. Sexual abuse means sex without consent such as rape, sexual assault, and sexual molestation. People have a hard time dealing with a sexual assault. They are afraid to come forward, and report the crime to anyone. Statistics show only 20% of assaulted people come forward and report the violence. For instance, a gun was …show more content…

Unlike sexual abuse, physical abuse is reported more often and leaves external marks. People lie about being beat on for fear of the other person finding out. For example, my ex-boyfriend broke my nose, gave me a black eye, and choked me. I told my mother I fell down the stairs at a friend’s house. I was terrified to tell anyone, because he was a very abusive person. I thought it was my fault he acted the way he did. Physical abuse leaves a person feeling scared, venerable, and hurt. Another example, my ex-stepdad would hit, kick, and punch my mom. This left her in a depressed state of mind and lowered her self-esteem. She turned to alcohol to ease her pain, and to make her feel better. However, statistics show 5.3 million women 18 years and older, and 3.2 million men were victims of physical violence in 2014. Statistics also showed that 11% of physical violence ends in a homicide. The violence is real, and so is the

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