
Domestic Violence-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Ellie and I lay in our beds, neither one of us knew what to say. In the other room, our host parents were arguing. We didn’t know what about, but we knew it was serious. Then we heard a “THWACK” followed by silence. Ellie and I sat up in our beds and looked at each other, I could tell she was as scared as I was. “Was that? Did he just?” she asked me. Then the arguing started back up again. We calmed back down until we heard it again. “THWACK” We knew then, the noise we heard, was him beating her. We got up, our hearts racing; neither of us knew what to do. We got our nerves together to go get help. When we opened the door to our room we saw the children sitting on the couch crying out for their mother. I could see the fear in their face and I knew something needed to change.

This experience was one of the scariest in my life. This was the first time I every experienced someone being physically abused. I knew it was an issue, but like many other things, you do not really think about it until you are placed a position to. From that moment on I wished that I could prevent anyone from going through or having to experience someone going through it. …show more content…

I plan to help bring more awareness to this issue but also offer support to those who have experienced abuse. I want to provide support to not only women but also anyone who needs it. On average 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner every minute in the United States. In my opinion, that is 20 more than should be allowed.

Domestic Violence is a problem the world is facing that I would like to see resolved. Too many people have suffered through or have had to deal with the after effects of someone being abused. My vision of the world is peace. Simple and plain, I want the violence to end, domestic or otherwise. But, only together can we make this vision a

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