
Does The Internet Socialize Adolescents?

Satisfactory Essays

I personally believe that the internet does not socialize adolescents. The internet does not socialize adolescents, if anything it causes adolescents to become antisocial. Adolescents become antisocial, because the internet has many social sites which gives others the chance to hide behind a computer or cellphone screen. In person adolescents tend to be more into their electronic devices than getting to know others and socialize. Everything has become available through a cell phone or an other device, for instance if someone wanted to talk to their friends they can easily text or call a friend instead of having a face to face conversation. Nowadays adolescents are very antisocial because of their internet.
I have been socialized by the net through social media. Social media makes it easier to conversate with friends. It is easier, because of all the social site and social games.Social media is very useful, because no matter how far you are from someone you can always communicate with them,see pictures, and play games without having their phone number. Everything is sponsored through the internet and people make money off of the internet.
I think the government should put restrictions on websites for certain ages. They should restrict sites because many things on the internet is not for …show more content…

When I socialize with friends I use the most popular websites and apps because I know everyone uses them. I use SnapChat more than anything. SnapChat is an app that people use to record themselves and let people know what they may be doing. I became a member of the internet community when I was about 10 years old. When I was 10 I had every kind of social media page and played all of majority of the games. I learned to be a member of the internet in school. when the virtual game Club Penguin was very popular everyone began to play it. I've also learned from older

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