
Does The End Of Quotas Caused A Significant Change?

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In order to test whether the end of quotas caused a significant change in the growth rate, this paper uses a simple linear regression that uses growth rate values (growthT and growthC) as the dependent variable and average quota fill rate and number of categories under surveillance as dependent variables. These two values manifest themselves in two ways, the first is their actual value during ATC period (avgquota and nquotas) the second is a binary variable that measures whether or not the country was quota constrained in 2004 (quota2004), where being quota constrained is determined having an average quota fill rate larger than 65%, this suggest that, while some categories may have a 0% fill rate the majority of categories are still finding limits to output. The regression also seeks to control for anomalies such as those of Azerbaijan and Georgia by including the size of the industry in terms of export value (expvalT and expvalC). GDP per capita (GDPcapita), accessed from the World Bank (2015) data source, is also a control due to its ability to indicate the average wage, which is a determinant of cost competitiveness and potentially a major contributor to growth. It can also serve to measure the economic development of the nation Hypothetically, the existence of binding quotas should be able to predict whether a country would be a “winner” in the post-quota era because it shows that the countries were not necessarily given preferential quotas and they exhibited the

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