
Does Jefferson Use Ethos Pathos And Logos For The Declaration Of Independence

Decent Essays

Declaration of Independence Study Guide The Declaration of Independence uses a wide variety of vocabulary. The use of rhetoric, deductive reasoning and parallelism is present. Lines 45 through 148 of the Declaration, Jefferson builds on his argument with inductive reasoning, syntax, and diction Jefferson uses several rhetorical devices they include: logos, ethos, persuasive appeals and pathos. He uses deductive logic in the form of a syllogism to clearly present his argument The Declaration of Independence. Deductive logic is changed by using pathos to get the people’s attention.. This changes the proclamation because it adds the author credibility which makes it more believable. The purpose of language in the Declaration of Independence is to convey …show more content…

Inductive reasoning outweighs deductive reasoning in The Declaration of Independence. • Parallelism o Example one: The first example of parallelism in the Declaration of Independence is in the statement “that all men are created equal… that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." This means that men are created equal and all men are born equal. These statements convey the same concept, yet the wording makes the statements different, and therefore they are not repetitive. o Example two: The second example is where Jefferson lists all the grievances against the king. Jefferson used parallelism to restate specific grievances. This was so that the phrases were not repetitive. • Annotations o 1 - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” (¶ 2) - displays logos

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