
Do You Like Hip-Hop, Rock Music, Or Country Music

Decent Essays

Attention Getter: What does your taste in music reveal about your personality?
Do you like hip-hop, rock music, or country music?
Or R&B and classical music?
Can the playlists on your Iphone really reveal information about your personality? II. Credibility: Researches have found that people can make accurate judgments about a person’s friendliness, creativity and open-mindedness after listening to 10 of their favorite songs III. Relate to audience: We all love listening to music Some of us like hip-hop, country music, rock music, etc. IV. Preview statement: I will talk about some of the different types of music and the different personality traits linked to them.

Topic sentence: Let’s talk about Pop music …show more content…

However, they are outgoing, sociable, and have high self-esteem 2) Topic sentence: Secondly, let’s talk about Country music a. Fans of country music are usually hardworking, conventional and outgoing b. Even though usually country songs are often about heartbreak, people who listen to this kind of music are usually very emotionally stable. 3) Topic sentence: Thirdly, let’s talk about Rock music a. Rock music fans are generally hard workers b. Indie rock fans are different from Punk rock fans c. Indie rock fans are more creative and open to new experiences but have low work Ethic. d. Punk rock fans are intense and very energetic in the things that they do. 4) Topic sentence: Finally, we are going to talk about hip-hop fans a. Hip-Hop fans enjoy the social aspects of music, which is dancing and singing b. They are also extraverted and have high self-esteem

The reason people sometimes feel defensive about their taste in music might be related to their attitudes and personality
So, the next time you are listening to music you can think about how the type of music you listen to describes you and your personality


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