Doresa Henderson
Phil 70: Introduction
Prof. Mittendorf
Is there any evidence for the existence of God? It is my view that God does exist, in my opinion, I believe that this Highest Imaginable Being is unchanging and created the universe, time and all substance and concepts of existence. In my view, I believe that we cannot see the wind, but you know it’s there by its mysterious movements. However, this Being is whatever we understand to be God.
I. INTRODUCTION: If you can’t see God does he exist? Is there any evidence for the existence of God? that this Highest Imaginable Being is unchanging and created the universe, time and all substance and concepts of existence. We
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It is my view that God does exist, in my opinion, I believe that this Highest Imaginable Being is unchanging and created the universe, time and all substance and concepts of existence. In my view, I believe that we cannot see the wind, but you know it’s there by its mysterious movements. However, this Being is whatever we understand to be God.
III. Explain which philosophers: I think that Aquinas first couple of ways presents a successful argument for the existence of God. And so does William Paley. Aquinas do indeed accomplish their purpose in establishing the existence of a Highest Imaginable Being. As for Paley’s offers his famous argument from design for God’s existence, he attempts explain how the mechanical watch would infer from the difficulty of the universe and the difficulty apparent determination design proves must have been made by an intelligent designer.
IV. Explain your argument: In my view, I believe that we cannot see the wind, but you know it’s there by its mysterious movements, which there are reasons to believe in a Highest Imaginable Being that, created the universe, time and all substance and concepts of existence. When trying to understand the certainty of God its omnipotence attributes, like how he has existed forever, it is essential to realize that we as humans are finite beings who are incapable of fully comprehending the infinite being of God. Nothing or no one has created Him, or brought him into
Man is the very proof that God exists. Because man is imbued with a thinking mind that realizes that he gets all his powers, best of all his thinking mind, from his idea of God, then it is impossible for man not to realize that what he perceives of God clearly and distinctly in his mind is a reality, and that reality is the existence of God, a perfect being who can never deceive because by His perfect Being, God is free of defects. God, as a perfect being, is incapable of fraud and deception, two things that are caused by defects. God's existence is manifested in the way man is able to use his thinking powers to accept his limitations, and at the same time realize that someone greater than man has endowed man with the powers to think and discern clearly and distinctly the idea of a Supreme Being.
There are many proofs for the existence of God, but maybe none are as famous as St. Anselm's Ontological argument. The Ontological argument is addressing God, as a prayer. Anselm analyzes the very idea of God to prove that he exists. There are two versions of Anselm's Ontological argument, and both attempt to show that God must exist. Despite the many critics that Anselm faced including Guanilo, and St. Thomas Aquinas, the Ontological argument continues to be one of the most famous arguments for the existence of God that provides support for those who believe in God.
Many philosophers have posed the question: How can I prove that God exists? Thomas Aquinas attempted to prove the existence of God in a rational way through his Cosmological argument. Aquinas argued that every event as we observe it has a cause and a casual chain cannot be infinite. Therefore, a first cause is necessary and this cause is God. Aquinas’ argument is unsuccessful because it assumes that God is a necessary being, fails to prove that the world is not an infinite chain of events, and undermines the basis of his argument by saying that God is infinite.
The question is that is it possible to prove the existence of God in a strictly scientific? Answer is incredibly straightforward that there is no individual in the world who could come back with a solid proof whether God exists or not. One of the primary difficulties is the lack of a general characterization of the existence or nonexistence of which is required to be proved. First of all, for the benefit of further narrative, I would like to give the most general definition of "God" as far as possible including all possible variations. Consider our world as a great computer stylish game or a social network. For such a system may well be the one who designed it, created, wrote and performs systemic organization (Everitt N.p.). If you doubt the presence of Facebook creator and administrator of this network, it will look at least strange.
The question of God’s existence has been pondered by humans for centuries. There are an infinite number of different opinions, arguments, and ideas favoring for or against the idea of God. Personally, I strongly believe in God not only due to my religious affiliation, but also because of my own opinions, ideas, and experience. To begin with, the complexity of Earth and the life that has formed upon it cannot be based just on luck or chance. I believe that ultimately God, as a power, rather than a mystical being is the one created and controls the universe. Although the God and his authority are not entirely comprehensible by humans, it’s our faith as worshiper that eventually lead us to a greater understanding.
In 1889, Vincent Van Gogh with oil created a classic picture named "Starry Night". He painted his own night during the hardest time of his life. At the time, he was detained in a psychiatric hospital room. Not to be out, he drew during the daytime, based on what he remembered. Van Gogh only mentions "Starry Night" twice in letters to his brother, which made the drawing became more mysterious and curious.
However, to the point of God actually existing I am skeptical. Many people turn to the Bible to bring proof to the table of any doubters like myself. While the bible brings forth some interesting facts that we all would like to believe, it does not necessarily make them true. The bible is not evidence itself because it cannot be confirmed as it is thousands of years old. Who knows, it could have been mistaken to be a bible when it was really just a compilation of short stories over a long period of time. Another claim that tries to prove god is real, is Decartes 3rd Meditation which states; If we have a clear and distinct idea of god, than a cause must be as great as its effect this idea cannot come from an imperfect thing like myself. Therefore, God must exist.(Pojman128) This would be true if the first two points could not be challenged. I can simply deny ever having the idea of god, and no evidence is provided for the second idea it is just an assertion that we, apparently an imperfect thing can ever think of something that we are not, which is simply not true. Perfection is based on the eye of the beholder, we all have different ideas of perfection, whether it is great being of pureness, greatness or whatever the case may be. I also choose bring about Bertrand Russell’s argument that since God is all-loving, all-knowing, and
primary objectives (vegetables, and seafood) with near 0 grams of ingestion. This can lead to
The curious incident of the dog in the night is a very interesting book because it covers a very tough and serious subject and that is the one of autism. It touches on a lot of good points, but there is a particular point that really holds strong in my beliefs. And that is that A perfectly normal person is rare in our civilization. There is much evidence to support this claim.
One of the rational reasons that I offer as proof of God's existence is exactly because of the impasse of this debate. Given this, the deductive argument/thesis that I pose for the existence of God is:
The existence of God has been in question for as long as mankind has existed and thought logically. Many questions have plagued the human mind in regards to God, and there have been many arguments drawn with the hopes of proving the existence of a supreme being whom we know as God. The “God” question has been presented to every individual at some point in their lives. It is a topic that will bring forth never-ending questions and an equal amount of attempted answers. Many philosophers have formulated different rationales when examining the topic of God, some of which include how the word itself should be defined, what his role is in human existence, whether or not he loves us, and ultimately, if he even exists at all. Mankind cannot
With the passage of time, there also have been scriptures appearing that support the existence of God. Stories, events and many supernatural occurrences that is beyond human’s intellect. The Myths of Fire, Water, Earth and Air were famous for their supernatural existence in the Roman Era. Before the Ancient Greek religion turned into mythology, existence of God was well practiced by the Greek people. Homer, a famous Greek writer, writes in the ‘Odyssey’ about how if man does not follow the God and believe in them, then man will fall and be doomed. The Greeks were a very religious civilization. They showed that one could believe in the gods without having solid, concrete proof. Looking at this religion we can see that God does exist.
It is difficult and nearly impossible to say whether or not God can exist because there is a definite lack of knowledge, or limited knowledge, regarding this issue. Most human beings in society have the natural curiosity and burning desire to know if God does or does not exist. But, when it comes to God – the possibilities are endless. He is anything and everything – he is not
Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief. The question for God's existence is really important. Does God exist? Theology, cosmological, teleological and ontological arguments are all have ways to prove the existence of God. With all of these great arguments how can one deny that there is a God. There is a God and with these reasons I will prove that.
The final crucial proof of the existence of God is Aquinas fourth proof. This proof looks at qualities of humans; all humans possess many different attributes which we consider unique to each individual. This is when standards are formed humans began to have a certain criteria for how or what someone with a given attribute should act or how they should portray themselves. The only way this standard could come into existence is to believe that there is a perfect creation possessing all qualities and expressing them in the most precise and perfect way. This perfect creation is God, the person in which humans get the laws at which the obeyed by. Aquinas five proofs of the existence of God are much more extensive but just looking at the proof of motion and the proof of perfection it becomes unquestionable that there is an almighty creation. This superior creation creates laws at which