
Divergent Hero's Journey

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The words of a wise man states,“Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed,” Bob Riley. In a similar fashion Veronica Roth’s book, Divergent, demonstrates the impact of hardships on the undermined Beatrice Prior. Throughout the course of this book Beatrice is transformed, from a shy abnegation lady. Who would camouflage within the forest of everyday life. Into a strong divergent women; who nevertheless was molded into the traditional hero. There are three major parts of the hero’s journey; separation, initiation, and the return. This book highlights Beatrice, and her journey of becoming a hero.

The first component of the hero’s journey is separation. Through this stage the hero will receive …show more content…

The point was the young adults make the choice of what faction they would want to live the in forrest of their life in. To help with the decision making, the aptitude tests were designed to tell the young adult what faction in which the government thinks they belong. When Beatrice gets her aptitude test, she learns of the label that will stay with her for the rest of her life. The book reads, ‘“‘People who get this kind of result are...” She looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to appear behind her. “...are called...Divergent.” she says the last word so quietly that I almost don’t hear it...”” (page 23). In Beatrice’s case she is belongs in three of the factions: Dauntless, Abnegation, and Erudite. At the Choosing ceremony she choose Dauntless. This demonstrates the call to adventure because, she is leaving her old home for her new Dauntless life. After this stage the next step is when you cross the threshold from the old life to the new life. This is symbolised when Max, one of the leaders of her new faction, states, “”Several stories below us is the members’ entrance to our compound. If you can not muster the will to jump off you do not belong here. Our initiates have the …show more content…

However there isn't a home to return to. The text states, “Abnegation and Dauntless are broken, their member scattered. We are like the fraction less now. I do not know what life will be like, separated from the faction it feels disengaged, like a leaf divided from the street that gives it substance. We are creatures of loss, we have left everything behind. I have no home, no path, and no certainty,”(pages 486). This shines light on the destruction of the city and what is left of it. As result of this there isn't a traditional return home. The book Divergent ends on simply a calm part of the adventure. After, they escaped from the city they sought a safe asylum in the faction, Amity. I know this based from the passage, “‘If we take the train in the opposite direction, out of the city instead of in, we can get to Amity headquarters,”I say.”(page 483). This shows that instead of going home they search for help and safety. This is the unconventional version of the return the author produced. Veronica Roth wrote the end slightly unfinished to keep the readers wanting more, and make them excited to read the sequel

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