I am the Treasurer of the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) council at Lawrence Park, having earned this leadership role after being involved in DECA over the past two years. As Treasurer, I act as an information and reference point for the DECA Council and other DECA chapter members. I play an important role in recruiting new members and handling financing and I attend all weekly meetings to discuss strategies for improving our chapter and other DECA council matters. My leadership, commitment, and collaboration to DECA has taught me how to communicate concepts and how to organize a presentation. Being an active member of the council has opened many doors for me in my professional life. The previous summer I applied for a job as
Membership in Alpha Lambda Delta was the catalyst for a new chapter of my life. It completely changed the shape of my undergraduate career and I could not be more grateful. Upon entering ALD in my second semester as a Freshman I was given my first chance at a leadership role. This would be first time that I was offered a role in which I would have the chance to lead others, to serve on an executive board, and to coordinate chapter events. When ALD offered it to me, I grabbed the chance. I had always been involved while in high school and for the past semester I had entered student organizations where my voice was not heard. ALD gave me my voice back. My position as chapter Historian taught me the necessary skills for me to achieve in the following
I have served in DECA as an officer since 10th grade when I was chosen to be Sophomore Representative. I have made it to the state level and received at least one award each year since starting in 9th grade. I also served as CFO in 11th grade, the youngest person to hold the position. During this time, I set up an inventory and sales tracking system for the school’s concession stand which serves as a fundraiser for competitors and the club. I was also chosen to be one of two Co-Presidents of the club for my senior year, and am working towards an even more successful club than of years
Our recruitment chair is helping others envision our chapter with new women that are smart, want to be active and engaged, and that are fun people. By realigning the women we want to represent our chapter, we have been able to get our members to be more optimistic towards next fall. We are also having more workshops and retreats that discuss what we, as a chapter need to improve and how we can get there. Those conversations have been so helpful in encouraging everyone and in showing them that the executive board does not make all of the decisions. We need their help because technically we serve their best interests.
The United School District (USD) 475 is located in the small town of Junction City and on the military installation of Fort Riley, Kansas where I lived from June of 2004 to December of 2014. Shortly after receiving my high school diploma in 2012, I applied for the position of Paraprofessional at an Elementary school. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to gain some experience in this field, since my original goal was to become a special education teacher. However, what I did not anticipated was that this formal organization was plagued by an array of bureaucratic shortcomings that affected the effectiveness and efficiency of the support staff.
I decided to release some stress, and go meet new people from other schools. Throughout this process I learned a lot about what other states were dealing with and what students wanted out of their education systems. I had knowledge about what the North Carolina education system was going though, but I had no clue as to the depth of problems that other states were dealing with. At this point, I decided to stand up for all the students in all states and address ten thousand people during my national beta club campaign speech for secretary. As Nobel Peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai said, “I raise up my voice-not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard”. I wanted to advocate for opportunities that all students in this country should have access to. I used my national campaign speech to talk about the issues, concerns, and dreams of other students throughout the United States and wanted to project all of the voices that I had listed to throughout this journey. I used my voice to advocate for others who did not have the opportunity and I am now National Beta Club Secretary. In my role as National Secretary, I will plan, operate, and preside at not only there North Carolina Conventions, but also at the
My eagerness to learn and extend myself fostered a positive and trustworthy relationship with my organisation manager and staff. As a result, I was able to engage in a myriad of roles and activities such as; driving the company van to pick up food donations or deliver furniture to clients, supervising the community craft program, using the company credit card to purchase required resources, and operating as the receptionist and emergency relief worker. In addition, I was also asked to attend a network meeting as a representative of The Salvation Army Doveton, thus engaging with people from various organisations in the local community.
Above the chapter level activities such as Mcdermont Field House, Adventure Park, and Roller Towne at the sectional level, to regional activities at FFA Grizzlies night and Fresno State Football, even the World Ag Expo all gave me a chance to meet new people and increase my involvement in our program. FFA has also allowed me to opportunity to enhanced my personal leadership qualities, especially through the opportunity to attend conferences such as the Greenhand Leadership Conference, the Made For Excellence Conference, the Advanced Leadership Academy, and the State FFA Convention, all of which I have attended, and some of which I have attended more than once. FFA has taught me responsibility through my service as a Chapter Officer and through the community activities I have participated in. From working at elementary schools through our Ag leadership class’ PALS (Partner’s in Active Learning Support) program, working community events such as dinners and booths at Relay for Life, and serving as a table leader at the middle school’s Character Counts programs, I have made myself available and useful to various aspects of our
I have been a part of various discourse communities in my life, but none of them have impacted me as much as DECA has. DECA stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America and has been around in high schools and colleges for over 60 years. It was established in 1946 to increase education and career opportunities for students interested in careers in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. That mission has stayed pretty much true to today. According to DECA.org, its current mission is to “prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.” The High School Division consists of 190,000 students in 3,500 schools. In this essay, I am
The Alabama Education Association (AEA) is located in Montgomery, Alabama and is the largest education association within the state. Currently serving over 104,000 members, this professional organization was formed to represent the teachers of public schools. The AEA is the voice of teachers and ensure fairness, proper representation, and strives for excellence within Alabama’s schools. Along with providing various professional development opportunities, the AEA serves as advocates for teachers, provides member benefits, and fights endless battles against state legislature to support teachers serving in public school systems. Throughout the years, AEA has been able to help get various laws passed in the state of Alabama. Some of these laws
As elected president of Washington’s largest DECA Chapter my senior year, I found myself tasked with leading a 280-person club to international competitive success, but also striving to foster the same growth in others that DECA did me. Today, I see a different person than the one that stuttered reading that Robert Frost poem in 8th grade. I see someone committed to overcoming challenges, learning, and dreaming
This position has allowed me to become well versed in university and housing policy and I am well trained in how to perform not only the administrative tasks required by this position, but also how to handle conduct reporting and sensitive situations regarding students. Due to my experience as a Community Assistant, I am confident in my abilities to perform the duties that the office of Conferences & Event Services will require of me, if selected for this position. Upon first transferring to Clarion, I took a job with the Center for Leadership and Development as the Student Leadership Coordinator for Clarion University. During my time in this position I developed leadership programming for Clarion University and coordinated and planned events such as the Mary Walter Speaker Series. During my time working with the Mary Walter Speaker Series, we focused on mental health and the dispelling of mental health stigmas.
In my positions over the past 14 years, I have proven to be a successful educator, team member, change agent, and leader. I approach every
This summer, I am on the St. Olaf search committee to hire a new athletic director. The committee consists of faculty, coaches, administrators, board members and myself, the only appointed student representative. Knowing I would feel uncomfortable, I researched questions, college strengths and weaknesses and interviewed student athletes prior to our first meeting. This helped my confidence and made me more respected by the committee. Although I felt under qualified, I remembered my role was to provide a student perspective. Each meeting, I come prepared by composing interview questions, reviewing résumés and participating with interviews. I vocalize and defend unpopular opinions and listen open-mindedly. In addition, I learned to compromise,
From my years of leading my school as a member of Student Government Association (SGA), I have been involved in tackling issues related
I can positively influence others, promote ideas and establish visions that can positively impact individuals, teams and work environment.