
Dissociative Identity Disorder Research Paper

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What is Dissociative identity disorder?
This paper will discuss dissociative identity disorder which is one of several dissociative disorders. Dissociative identity disorder has not been around as long as many other mental disorders, the earliest cases of persons reporting dissociative identity disorder symptoms were not recorded until the 1790’s. (Frey R.J., Ph.D. Cataldo L.J., RN, Ed.D. Longe J.L., 2015.). Even though it has not been around for that long psychiatrists are debating whether dissociative identity disorder was previously misdiagnosed and underreported, or currently over diagnosed. (Frey et al 2015.). Psychiatrists may not find out wither if it is over, under or misdiagnosed but people need to know what DID is. People also should …show more content…

Dissociative identity Disorder, known in the past as multiple personality disorder, develops two or more distinct personalities, often called subpersonalities, or alternate personalities, each with a unique set of memories, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. (Comer, R.J., 2016, p. 170.) The most distinctive feature of DID is the formation and emergence of alternate personality states, or "alters." Alters also have the ability to acquire their own name, to be female or male, background history, race, or a different age from the main personality. (Frey et al 2015.). Some patients have been reported with alters that are not even human; alters have been animals or even aliens from outer space. (Frey et al 2015.) In the movie Frankie and Alice, a young black woman named Frankie had an alter personalities and she didn’t know she had dissociative identity disorder. One of her personalities was a seven-year-old little girl who was a genius and also named Genius. Her other personality was a racist and white her name was …show more content…

(Frey et al 2015.). When it comes to medication therapist have to be cautions because patients can easily become psychologically dependent on drugs and they have to make sure no alters like to abuse drugs. (Frey et al 2015.). Hypnosis is useful to help DID patient to recover but therapist have to be careful of suggestibility when the patients is under a trance. However, the three most popular uses for hypnotism are: (a) rapport-building, (b) penetrating amnesic barriers, and (c) facilitating abreacting healing techniques. (MacGregor, M. W. 1996.). Putnam study (as cited in MacGregor, M. W. 1996.) found rapport-building techniques as methods used to develop trust, facilitate the inductional trance, and enhance the therapeutic alliance. Kluft study (as cited in MacGregor, M. W. 1996.) found penetrating amnesic barriers strengthen the ego by having the host personality rehearse difficult situations to help the patients prepare for traumatic uncovering of past histories. The third most frequent use of hypnosis relates to abreactive techniques, wherein hypnosis allows for an easier abreaction of hidden traumatic memories. (MacGregor, M. W. 1996.). In the later stages of treatment, the therapist may use hypnosis to "fuse" the alters as part of the patient's personality integration process. (Frey et al

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