
Disrespectful Classroom Behavior

Decent Essays

In my attempt to avoid misbehavior in the classroom is let the students know verbally and in writing that disrespectful language will not be tolerated and the consequences if it happens on the first day of class. One of the consequences is punishment, such as no free time, visit the principal’s office, after school detention, in –school suspension and possibly suspension from the school. Because Susan said that she did not think it was disrespectful the language she used with me, I will remind her what was said verbally and in writing about the unacceptable behaviors the first day of class. Also, she will not be allowed to have free time with her friends on the same day of the incident. As Chapter 11 states, it’s important for teachers to keep firm when following through with consequences previously mentioned, (Ormrod, …show more content…

A motivational strategy that I will use with Susan is to establish an Anti-Disrespectful Language Team, every week the team will have the opportunity to pick a leader among the students, giving Susan the

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