Diseases: Sex Linked and Sex Influenced
by Richard Nixon
Honors Biology
Mrs. Linda
December 19, 1994
There are thousands of cases of sex linked and sex influenced diseases worldwide. These diseases can range from a social inconvenience, to a fatal ailment. In sex linked diseases, like Muscular Dystrophy, hemophilia and color blindness, only males are affected. When a man infected with a sex linked disease has children, all his sons are normal, but all of his daughters are carriers. When a carrier woman and an uninfected man have children, half of the sons are normal, and half of the sons are affected; half of the daughters are carriers and half of the daughters are normal. Only males are affected because the sex linked
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At this point, since the whole muscle was too large but was the only feasible solution, he decided to transplant whole muscles of a baby mouse into an adult mouse. This muscle was not damaged, because it was not minced, and it was not too large, because the baby muscle is considerably smaller than an adult muscle. Not only did the mouse survive, but normal function was restored to diseased adult muscle. Since the transplantation of muscle in mice was so successful, Dr. Law tried to find something along those lines that would work in a human. He found a solution; myoblasts. A myoblast is a mature muscle cell. It is a long thin fiber that can be more than an inch long. Unlike cells of other types, myoblasts have over
200 nuclei. When they are damaged, the myoblasts call upon a reservoir of satellite cells; small immature cells that nestle inside the muscle fiber's outer sheath. Satellite cells are the key to muscle repair and regeneration.The satellites leave the fiber, divide and then flatten into spindle shaped forms- the myoblasts. Myoblasts repair muscle cells by fusing with the injured cell and they share their nuclei with the injured cell's nuclei. When these two myoblasts fuse completely, new cells are formed. In 1970 Law thought of a procedure that would fuse healthy myoblasts with the dystrophic one, hoping that the resulting hybrid would have some function.
1. What is the likelihood that any of their children (sons and/or daughters) will be born with the disorder?
Serves as the cell 's skeleton. It is an interior protein system that gives the cytoplasm quality and adaptability. The cytoskeleton of all cells is made of microfilaments, halfway fibers, and microtubules. Muscle cells contain these cytoskeletal parts in addition to thick fibers. The fibers and microtubules of the cytoskeleton frame a dynamic system whose ceaseless rearrangement influences cell shape and capacity.
Myofibrils are made up of long proteins that include myosin, titin, and actin while other proteins bind them together. These proteins are arranged into thin and thick filaments that are repetitive along the myofibril in sectors known as sarcomeres. The sliding of actin and myosin filaments along each other is when the muscle is contracting. Dark A-bands and light I-bands reappear along myofibrils. The alignment of myofibrils causes an appearance of the cell to look banded or striated. A myofibril is made up of lots of sarcomeres. As the sarcomeres contract individually the muscle cells and myofibrils shorten in length. The longitudinal section of skeletal muscle exhibits a unique pattern of alternating light and dark bands. The dark staining, A-bands possess a pale region in the middle called the H-zone. In the middle of the H-zone the M-line is found, that displays filamentous structures that can join the thick filaments. The light-staining bands also known as I-bands are divided by thin Z-line. These striated patterns appear because of the presence of myofibrils in the sarcoplasm (IUPUI, 2016).
Muscle tissue - Muscle cells are the contractive tissue of body that produce force and cause motion within internal organs. Muscle tissue is separated into three different categories: visceral or smooth muscle that are located in the inner linings of organs and skeletal
Martini, F. H., Nath, J. L., and Bartholomew, E. F. “Muscle Tissue.” Anatomy & Physiology. 9th
Skeletal Muscle Structure.The cells of skeletal muscles are long fiber-like structures. They contain many nuclei and are subdivided into smaller structures called myofibrils. Myofibrils are composed of 2 kinds of myofilaments. The thin filaments are made of 2 strands of the protein actin and one strand of a regulatory protein coiled together. The thick filaments are staggered arrays of myosin molecules.
types of muscle tissues : skeletal, cardiac, smooth. Each of these different tissues has the ability
According to McAllister (2006) food and drink “must be viewed as part of a broader social and cultural context” (p. 281) in order to understand the anthropological and sociological meanings of food and drink within society. This essay will apply an anthropological and sociological lens to explore the relationship between food, sex and gender. It utilises examples from anthropological and sociological literature to further explain the relationship between food, sex and gender. This essay will focus how food and can be a marker of identity, and how food and drink express gender roles.
Adrenoleukodystrophy is a genetic disease that is passed on from mother to son. ALD is an X-linked disorder. That means it affects only males and is transmitted by a female carrier. This disorder is called X-linked since the genetic abnormality involves the X-chromosome. Women have two X-chromosomes while men only have one. In women, the affected X-chromosome, the one with the gene for ALD does not become active because of the presence of a normal copy of the gene on the other X-chromosome. Men have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome. In men who have an X- chromosome for X-ALD, there is no other X- chromosome for protection.
This happens when an affected parent has one recessive gene and one dominant gene whereas the other has two recessive genes, which allows two children to get two recessive genes meaning they will not be affected. Whereas the other two have one dominant gene meaning they will be affected by the disease.
There were many tiny cells, but they were very hard to see. The cells were dark and clumped together.
(www.cancer.gov). If a mother and father both carry one altered gene, and one normal gene,
The leptotene. This phase differs only slightly from the early stages of mitosis. Usually are the cells and nuclei of meiotic tissues bigger than that of their neighbouring tissues and often do they seem to be longer and are longitudinally structured. At regular intervals can thickenings be found, like beads on a string: the chromomeres. Their number, size and positioning is constant in each species.
It has been estimated that men who have an affected first degree relative (e.g. father or brother) and an affected second-degree relative (e.g. grandfather or uncle) have an eightfold increase in risk. It is unclear as to whether this genetic disposition has to do with actual gene defects or with similar patterns in diet and lifestyle.
Boys are two times more likely than girls to receive such a diagnosis. (King, 2013).