
Should The Ottawa Government Discriminated Against The First Nations?

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Everyone has different point of views. The Ottawa Federal government discriminated against the first nations elsewhere people from the government opposed their decisions. In the following paragraphs I would be discussing about the different stakeholders and their opinions on discrimination of the First Nations.

In 2013 Ottawa federal government had discriminated child welfare services for the Natives. The federal government took multiple attempts to get the case thrown out. The federal government discriminated because the support that feds provide for child welfare on reserves is much lower than what kids off reserve get from provincial government although the need is greater.

The government discriminated for the reason of money. They had a low budget. Blackstock said the government is stalling and the lack of movement is putting the First Nations children at risk. …show more content…

This person calls themselves “Evolution is a Hoax”. Their argument was that the First Nations weren't the first, instead they were the last because they were at the region of hell and many people operate outside the cycle of Canadian economy. Evolution is a Hoax stated that the money system has its own life and obviously there would be high poverty and unemployment because of imports, good and

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