
Ethnic Groups and Discrimination- Native Americans

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Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Native Americans The ethnic group that I choose was Native Americans. I am of Caucasian descendant with Native American from my dad’s side. I really want to learn more about my heritage and family background. The Native Americans didn’t participate in discrimination; they were affected by people discriminating against them. The immigration of Indian American has taken place in several waves since the first Indian American came to the United States in the 1700’s. Indians are among the largest ethnic groups legally immigrating to the United States. When white people first landed on the east coast, they pushed the Native Americans back with peace treaties, trade agreements and if that failed, violence. …show more content…

Native Americans were subjected to dual labor market conditions during the 19th century. Although Native Americans sometimes willingly participated in the labor market, it is also clear that they were not always willing participants. Environmental justice issues are not solely about disparate health or economic effects; it also applies when the cultural and historical resources of protected groups are potentially affected by a federally funded transportation project. Native American Tribes are different than other minority groups affected by the environmental impacts of transportation projects. Interactions among tribes, the FHWA, and State DOTs should be structured as a government-to-government relationship. Consultation with tribes is therefore different from traditional public involvement outreach. Reaching out to tribes is still crucial if Federal and State agencies want to be sure that environmental justice concerns are understood and addressed. A determined effort to end the effective redlining of Native homelands began in the second half of the 1990s, with many promises made and some actual progress. However, much of that progress seems to have evaporated in the implosion of the mortgage market. Most redlining was targeted towards African Americans. While Indians enjoy all the privileges of citizenship, including the franchise, their

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