
Discrimination Against Female And Male Employees

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The present global scenario has come a long way when it comes to discrimination against women. Employers who discriminate against female or male employees because of their sex are held to be in violation of The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Title VII (Twomey & Jennings, 2014). Gone are the times when the men were stereotyped to be the bread winners while women were expected to remain at home to cook and clean. Discrimination had always preferred the able bodied superior. Women today work alongside the superior sex but sadly, still face discrimination in the workplace when it comes to opportunities and higher responsibilities. The female worker is still not provided with the same promotion as opposed to men. They experience fewer opportunities for promotion and positions of authority. Additionally, women who are illiterate have a lesser chance to get jobs doing labor work. Yet, every company desires workers who are fast working and hence, the company hires people who are young and energetic. This is why old people and women get singled out for competitive job positions. Women are often not treated equally for positions despite being more qualified than their male counterparts primarily because the employers are apprehensive of their commitment towards the job. They believe women cannot be as committed because they are more tied to their families and might miss out on their job roles due to pregnancies or other family obligations. Gender inequalities have plagued

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