AE #10 After taking the Discerning Your Personality Shape Quiz, it concluded that I was a circle. Honestly, I was shocked how accuracy some of the information was. The main one being it that as Circle’s we smile a lot. While I might not seem like that in the classroom, outside of the school this is me. Everyone at work and most of my family members always call me smiley. “I often get remarks like don’t you ever stop smiling?” Or “Can you just be mad for once?” Another thing that this test pointed out is that I enjoy working with groups and that I am a people person. I believe that this is accurate because with nursing you have to be a people person and also have to empathize with your patients. Teamwork is a huge part of nursing because we
The name of the career/ business assessment that I took from the Module is the Carolyn Kalil's Free Personality Quiz. The website that provided the quiz was This website provided the quiz free of charge. The purpose of the Carolyn assessment is to evaluate an individual’s primary personality. After doing so, the information can be used to better understand an employee in the workplace. The test identifies thinkers, helpers, planners, and doers. Each one of these personalities can help build and support a business in a different aspect as long as the skill sets are implemented correctly.
ALSO - people are rarely a “pure” form or completely one way or the other – most are an amalgam – so when responding to any question on any personality / psychological test, go with your first instinct as to what the best response is for you.
The Big Five personality test was created in the 1970 's by two independent research teams. One team with Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, and the other with Warren and Lewis Goldberg. The two teams had different methods that they tested but in the end they both ended up with the same results. The results were that no matter what culture, race, or language people have their personality fits into five dimensions of personality. The five dimensions were created after reviewing lots of surveys and data analysis called factor analysis. Now, just forty years later the Big Five is one of the most commonly accepted personality models.
After taking Jung’s typology test I received the personality type INTJ. The introvert score given was a 59 percent, intuitive 16 percent, thinking 25 percent and judging 56 percent. Based on these scores I took a look at what my strengths would be. According to the website used to take the test one strength would be that INTJ’s are perfectionist while some may consider this a bit of a weakness, I don’t think it’s such a bad thing. INTJ see that there is always room to improve and learn more, especially about things that they find interesting. Another strength is having the combination of both imagination and reliability, this is good when it comes to working on projects or coming up with an idea for something, because not only can you envision what it will be but you can decide realistically if it will work. Butt and Heiss (n.d.) say that INTJ’s are also good at seeing opportunities other people may not. The high introvert score indicates I am much better at working alone then with the help of others, and normally working on something until it is completed. When it comes to other strengths, INTJ’s will work extremely hard in relationships and are very good at picking up people’s emotions. This is part of the intuitive dimension. Thinkers are good at making strong decisions based on rational information rather than
While it is very surprising that answering a few multiple choice questions can reveal things unknown to the taker, the 16 Personalities quiz has my number for sure, especially when describing my faults. The test revealed, for instance, people with my type (the Logician) can be insensitive and condescending. I am sure that this is a “complete shock” to everyone who has ever met me. This test said that Logicians have immense difficulty with emotions, to the point where “Emotional situations can be utterly bewildering to Logicians, and their lack of timely sympathy can easily offend others.” There are several times where I can have problems dealing with other people’s emotions, and I wind up thoroughly confused. Insensitivity makes it very hard
Assessment techniques and the techniques used are a part of every counselor’s career. It is important that all counselors are aware of the different assessment procedures available as well as the risks and benefits associated with them. I chose to assess the case of Jessica, a medical resident, who has a very high pace and stressful job. She is also a perfectionist and can be very self-critical. Lately, she feels that she is not performing at the level she once was. As a result, she has been experiencing feelings of shame and worthlessness. Jessica has also been increasingly fatigued yet is having difficulty falling asleep at night. She also admits having difficulty concentrating, little interest in sex and has become increasingly irritable
In the 41Q Personality Quiz, my personality is extremely extrovert, feeling based, judging, and sensing. In the 41Q quiz I shared personalities with Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Danny Glover, Dixie Carter, Jack Benny, Mary Tyler Moore, Nancy Kerrigan, Sally Field, Steve Spurrier, Terry Bradshaw, and William McKinley. My personality is professed as if I make decisions more on self-value and feeling, along with being organized, yet very outgoing with the outside world. My career suggestions are social workers, nursing, family care, counselors, office managers, or receptionists. I agree with social working such as therapy or counseling.
John Adams once said, “Thanks be to God that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right”. John Adams, like myself was introverted, intellectual, thinking, and judging, or an INTJ on the Myers Briggs personality test. Like all INTJs, Adams was stubborn and flouted the ideas of others that he did not agree with. By using my results from the Meyers Briggs personality test, I can examine how I react to certain things and use this to improve my Spirituality, my relationship with God, and ultimately my relationship with others through Christ.
After taking the Big Five Personality Assessment, I was able to decode certain aspects of my personality and analyze whether different strengths and weaknesses. One strength I found was me openness to experience. Being open to others and their ideas has broadened my horizons. I have found that I have so much to learn from others. Whether their ideas are positive or negative, they provide feedback which overall has increased my communication skills. This is a recent strength for me. With prior companies, change was delivered as bad news, we were not taught to work with our peers but rather compete. With my new company I am experiencing the opposite side of the spectrum. I am encouraged to communicate with anyone needed, regardless of
Have you ever been taking a stroll around town and noticed building with copious amounts of pamphlets and signs offering free “personality tests” that will lead to "the road to happiness”? Either you were at your local psychologist’s office or have located your nearest Church of Scientology. Never heard of it? Do you live under a rock? Scientology is the religion of choice of stars like John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and Kirstie Alley. It also happens to be one of the most secretive and controversial churches in the world (not to mention the most expensive). So get out your wallet and dive into the closed-membership world of Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard, and personality tests as we explore Scientology.
In the last month I have found out a substantial amount about myself. I learned that I would be a successful manager in my future career. I found out that I have many traits that will allow myself to become a better me. Throughout the last month I have changed negative qualities such as time management and turned them into positive qualities. I now plan better which allows my time management to be more manageable. When I started this class I wasn't sure if I had what it takes to be a manager. As this class is coming to an end I now realize that anyone can be a manager as long as they use their personal strengths to better the company they are working for and others around them.
For my strengths and middle school personality, strategies that would be focused upon would be rooted in group work and discussion. The groups would be decided by the instructor in order to increase productivity. Having groups with both boys and girls might help young adolescents develop productive communication skills that will aid students that feel “awkward” when talking to the other sex. Interpersonal intelligence thrives in a group environment that has a lot of discussions. Turn and shares would be a great activity for interpersonal students in all content areas. For the musical/rhythmic students, relating assessments to musical theory or the combination of content and compositions would excite these students. Combining rhythms in a classroom
After looking at the results, the writer understood some of his own tendencies and consoled himself that he did not have to good at everything. He opined that the knowledge of these personality types can help in developing a deeper understanding of people around him.
Outgoing and spontaneous, or level headed and reserved: these are ways in which people identify the others surrounding them every day. These personality indicators may seem easy to distinguish; however, at times, finding one’s own personality type can be difficult. In the early 1900s, a Swedish psychologist named Carl Jung introduced the idea of categorizing personalities into identifiable types (Boeree). By investigating the subconscious, Jung was able to classify personality types that have certain characteristics in common. This became known as typology (Boeree; Several years later, Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs-Myers, took Jung’s typology to the next level. Together they separated
The Big Five personality test is currently the most accepted personality model within the scientific community. In the 1950s, it emerged from the work of multiple different researchers who all obtained similar results when studying personality through each of their own methods. My results, which are based on the personality traits highlighted within the Big Five personality test, are as follows: my extroversion results were moderately high. This results suggests that, at times, I tend to be overly talkative, outgoing, sociable. My orderliness results showed to be moderately high as well. This suggests that I tend to be an organized, neat, and structured person throughout my daily life. My emotional stability results were low. This suggests that I tend to worry too often. According to my results, I tend to be overly insecure, emotional and anxious. My accommodation results were moderately low. This suggests that, at times, I can be overly selfish, uncooperative and difficult to work with, especially in groups.