
Disadvantages Of Traveling The World

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Paris, France for two months, Rome, Italy for three weeks and, Accra, Ghana for one year sounds like the perfect life for most millennials. Traveling the world in addition to experiencing different cultures is the ideal life to live in the eyes of the youth. Simple yet paralyzing situations such as money problems can result in people staying where they are. Luckily there are jobs where we can make a living off of our dreams. Being an au pair, traveling nurse, or graphic designers balances the situation of money and a way of travel. These jobs are also very diverse in terms of the working field. With advantages comes disadvantages each different for every job. Au pairs are not common in the United States but it is one of the best ways to travel, learn a new language, and get money all at the same time. To apply for this job the applicant must be single, between the ages of 18 and 30, no children, good English skills, graduate of secondary school, and no criminal record (Au Pair World 1). Being an au pair is similar to being a nanny but the age requirements are different. Au pairs are usually admitted into a host family in France. The host family will provide shelter, food, and all the basic needs for survival and in return he or she will babysit the host parents’ children. During the weekends the au pair is allowed to roam around the city and explore their culture. Another benefit to being an au pair through a program connected with au pair services, workers have the opportunity to learn another language during their twelve month stay (Au Pair World 3). But on the contrary, there has been reports of au pairs abused during their stay making this job a blessing but a possible curse. If looking after a strangers doesn’t raise the hair behind your neck maybe helping children across the world does. Nurses are one of the most respected professions according to Forbes Magazine (2). They help nurture people back health. Traveling nurses make around forty dollars per hour (Travel Nursing 3). This rate includes actual work hours in the hospital, travel reimbursement, and money for groceries. Contracts normally lasts twelve weeks but if a nurse likes their current location, he or she can extend the contract (Travel

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