
Disadvantages Of Laparoscopy

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Laparoscopy has revolutionized surgery during the last three decades; however, the roots of minimally invasive surgery can be traced back much earlier, to ancient times. The first description of endoscopic procedures came from Hippocrates, who inserted different instruments into various body orifices, in order to observe anatomy and pathological processes. The first ‘celioscopies’ were described in the early 20th century by the German surgeon Kelling, who used a cystoscope inserted through an abdominal wall incision in dogs to insufflate the abdomen with filtered air. Bernheim described his experience with
‘organoscopies’ in his series of 17 live human subjects in 1911.
The major breakthroughs in the field of laparoscopic surgery …show more content…

Once the surgeon gains sufficient laparoscopic skills, the hand can be left outside the abdominal cavity and the benefits of laparoscopy can be conferred upon the patient.
Single-incision laparoscopic surgery
Some of the proven major advantages of conventional multiport laparoscopy (CML) over the open approach are reductions in pain, length of stay, wound complications, and improved cosmesis.
Single-port laparoscopic surgery (SILS) may further enhance the advantages of CML by performing the entire procedure through a single incision in the abdominal wall, thus minimizing surgical trauma. SILS represents the next evolutionary step in minimally invasive surgery, towards a totally scar free procedure; however, in this technique, the laparoscopic working ports are all introduced through the single incision, which contradicts the basic ‘triangulation’ rule of laparoscopy.
This method requires advanced laparoscopic skills when compared with CML, added complexity, and poorer ergonomics, while early studies have also reported a longer operating time than with CML.
SILS has introduced several new, inherent, technical

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