INTRODUCTION A network is collection of devices which are connected to each other for data exchange. Devices are linked with each other in order to share resources, exchange files or allow electronic communications. These are interconnected for sharing data quickly and easily. A network can be divided into wired and wireless networks. In wireless networks, there is no physical connection between devices or computers as there are some sort of radio frequencies in air to transmit and receive data instead of using physical cables. In wireless networks, cables are used at backbone and the computers are integrated with access points. Wireless networks work as same way as wired LAN using same protocols and applications. Wireless technology has made easier the sharing of resources in a home or business simultaneously by multiple computer users without exhibiting any additional or intrusive wiring. Wireless networks are easy to expand and inexpensive as compared to wired networks. The advantage of wireless networks is that it data can be shared globally at all parts of the world. Wireless networks are flexible and so it is ideal for non-reachable paces such as cross-river and mountains. The main disadvantage of wireless …show more content…
when there is a need to transmit data from source to destination a route discovery process is initiated by the source. In this process, the network is flooded with route request packets to create a suitable route from source to destination. The Routing table is also created on demand. Flooding is a reliable method of passing information to all the nodes present in the network; however it uses bandwidth and cause delays in packet transmission but decreases the control traffic overhead. After getting the best route, route establishment phase ceases with initiation of route maintenance phase which keeps up valid routes and remove all the invalid routes thus reducing
1)A network is when two or more computers are connected together and are able to share data and communication.
Wireless Routers is a wireless local area network (WLAN) that determine the next route of the packet should travel to the destination (Rouse, 2005). It converts the internet connection that was received from phone lines into radio signals and brings convenience to the portability devices that has built-in network card to gain the radio signals to get to the Internet connection (Switcher, 2015). Table 2 refers to the comparison of three models of wireless router.
I would define a network as a group of computers that are connected together with physical cables or wireless capabilities along with a series of peripheral devices such as, routers, switches, servers or printers etc…for sharing data, software and other resources between different users. When talking about bandwidth, it is a range of frequencies or wavelengths in which data is transmitted. With digital devices, bandwidth is calculated by bits per second or bytes per second and with analog devices, by cycles per second, or hertz.
Wired network uses cables to connect devices to the internet, however, wireless network uses radio waves to devices to connect internet.
Still, the issues mentioned in this paper need to be taken into account every time a new wireless application is considered. Only if we make responsible choices in replacing wired technology by its wireless alternative, we will be able to continue to improve our life quality, in the near as well as distant future. Wireless solutions offer productivity, convenience, and cost advantages over traditional wired networks. Wireless solutions allow many benefits, including allo wing businesses to benefi t from the value of their information. Wireless solutions can provide users with access to real-time information from more places in their organization. This mobility supports productivity an d service opportun ities not possible with wired networks. Organizations are adopting wirele ss solutions to improve their competitiveness. Wireless standards provide users with more flexibility and ease of use in networks. It is time to adopt to wireless technology because employee’s don’t not need to carry out wires and cables to connect to wired connections, your workers can be connected without sitting on connected PCs and lastly reduce costs because wireless networks are generally cheaper and easy to install and maintain than wired connections.
The set-up of a wireless network will generally rely on the cost of wireless routers, wireless network adapters for every device, wireless access points (WAP) spread across the locations and installation fees. This works out to be more expensive than a wired network.
Business is much different today than it has ever been. The strategies incorporated in the success of a business can be quite complicated and requires more than just a man or woman with a dream. Success in business is now reliant on the connectivity of their business to their local area, as well as, the global market place. Wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi) in the corporate environment is making this possible and beyond possible as it improves. In this paper we will see some pro’s and con’s of wireless connectivity in the corporate environment.
A network is the way to communicating throughout the internet; also, it is connected to the group of computers that allow to sharing the information through a network. Not only that network is just for sharing the information though connected of group computers, but for internet that including social media, game online, telecommunication, programming that would be require network for professional career, and more that can be any in the real world, even that can be also for security throughout network to protect whoever uses network for personal and business. A network is a-must
In today’s society, it is commonplace for one to be electronically “connected”, by using devices like computers, mobile smartphones, gaming devices, tablets or laptops. Typically there is some type of network, which enables us to be connected, such as a Wide Area Network (WAN), a Local Area Network (LAN) or even a Home Area Network (HAN). A WAN is the most expansive type of network commonly used, which can cover large geographical areas, usually by amalgamating multiple LANs. The most frequently used WAN is the internet, which many of us connect to daily. A smaller type of network is a LAN, most often used in the workplace to connect computers and devices in the same office or building, so users can collaborate and efficiently share resources.
In the recent years, wireless technologies have taken a new dimension in the ways society lives. Wireless broadband is available to everyone. Whether the users are at home, driving the car, sitting in the park, and it would even work while people are a pleasure boat ride in the middle of a lake. And because of this, the need to have information at any time and be connected in all places, all the time has been satisfied.
The ability to send and receive data efficiently is the most important objective of networking computers.
A wireless network is any type of computer network that uses wireless data connections for connecting network nodes .Wireless networking is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and enterprise (business).Installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations. Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using radio communication. This implementation takes place at the physical level (layer) of the OSI model network structure.
Compared to wired links, the reliability, scalability, efficiency and capacity of wireless links are often less. The communication channel is subject to noise, fading, interference and has less bandwidth than a wired network.
In this global world of technologies where the communication is being modern day by day, on every other day the new technologies are being invented so in this vast world of growing technologies the cognitive radio network is another addition and a step toward fast and secure communication. Cognitive radio network is the network used for wireless communication which uses the spectrum of frequencies. It is an intelligent network in a sense that it can recognize the channels in use or vacant, the ability of this network is that it can shift the data on vacant channel without letting the other busy channel get disturbed. CRN is a technology which works on the spectrum of frequencies, sensing the spectrum of frequencies at receiver’s
One of the most promising and discussed technologies in the past decade is the wireless communication technology which allows each users to utilize devices that enable the access to information at any place any time. These demands make wireless communication networks the best solution for inter connect the devices and people worldwide. Unlike wired communication networks, which are comprised of devices that can communicate through wires, wireless networks are comprised of devices that communicate through media such as infra-red and radio signals. Wireless networks are generally classified into two categories: infrastructure-based and infrastructure less network (ad hoc wireless networks).