
Digital Classroom Plan Analysis

Decent Essays

The Volusia County School District adopted in December 2015, it’s Digital Classroom Plan. This plan was created to support the instructional shifts required by Florida Standards through the use of digital tools and technologies. The plan also supports the Digital Learning Now Act (July 1, 2011), which requires school districts to offer virtual instruction and requires online learning as a requirement for high school graduation. The plan also included professional development and curriculum resources for teachers for digital instructional materials aligned to Florida Standards, online assessments and other technology tools (Volusia County Schools, 2015).
Currently the district has the Virtual Online, a charter school, which uses Moodle …show more content…

This software can be accessed on any web based device or through a mobile app. The software is built using a user friendly and familiar interface, which means minimal skills are needed to use it. Most importantly Canvas is an open source software so if needed, the district could move to another hosting provider and be quickly up and running.
Volusia County School District proposes purchasing 15,000 user accounts for teachers and students within the district. Access to Canvas accounts would be integrated into the current access point Vportal, which stakeholders already feel comfortable using to access digital materials. The district will eliminate and end contacts with the current use of Sharepointe, Moodle, and other intranet web links. Consequently, the following content: digital resources materials, online learning courses, curriculum modules and online assessments will be moved to Canvas after a new contract is signed, in the new school year of 2016-2017. Teachers will be given access to investigate Canvas, during the summer. Training will be incorporated into the already established professional development planned during the teacher in-service week prior to school opening. Training will be continued once a month during designated professional development training …show more content…

To help with the implementation of training, two new positions will be created at the district level: Lead Facilitator of DCP and Digital Resource Teacher on Assignment. The Lead Facilitator position’s salary would be $69,000 for 12-month position and the TOA salary would be $39,000 for 10-month position. These positions would oversee training during professional development and troubleshooting issues with Canvas and other digital tools being used by the district. These costs would be similar to the current cost already being spent on Sharepointe and Moodle, which will be eliminated after Canvas has been purchased. The two new positions are being paid through a grant through the State of Florida for implementing a “Digital Classroom Plan” and would not be added to the district's current budget. The overall management of the plan would be overseen and tracked by the Director of Technology Services.
This project is a real life scenario, and is being considered by Volusia County School District. Currently, the district is using the free access to look at the features of Canvas. Extant data was used from the Digital Learning Plan to create this proposal. Canvas will eliminate the problem of training for multiple software and allow accessibility through mobile devices. The cost figures are based on information collected

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